Ni·ko·la·iev·na Ro·ma·nov[Russian nyi-kuh-lah-yiv-nuhruh-mah-nuhf], /Russian nyɪ kʌˈlɑ yɪv nə rʌˈmɑ nəf/, Grand Duchess, 1901–?, daughter of Nicholas II: believed executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918 with other members of the Romanov family.
The Guardian claimed it was “the pivotal moment when the impressionable Anastasia Steele loses her virginity to Grey.”
Meet ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Director Sam Taylor-Johnson: The Cancer-Surviving Badass|Marlow Stern|June 20, 2013|DAILY BEAST
There was probably no lady in the town that would have received this information with as great composure as did Anastasia Joliffe.
The Nebuly Coat|John Meade Falkner
Surely my Anastasia is not jealous—not jealous, after all the proofs that I have given her of fidelity?
The Lady of Lynn|Walter Besant
He called it his Anastasia,—the church of the resurrection of the faith.
The Arian Controversy|H. M. Gwatkin
Anastasia Lynch was Barry's sister, and older than him by about ten years.
The Kellys and the O'Kellys|Anthony Trollope
After this toast, the Lady Anastasia withdrew with the other ladies.
The Lady of Lynn|Walter Besant
British Dictionary definitions for Anastasia
/ (ˌænəˈstɑːzɪə, -ˈsteɪ-) /
Grand Duchess. 1901–?18, daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, believed to have been executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918, although several women subsequently claimed to be her