

单词 pack rat

pack rat

or packrat



Also called trade rat, wood rat . a large, bushy-tailed rodent, Neotoma cinerea, of North America, noted for carrying off small articles to store in its nest.
Informal. a person who saves things that are not needed or used but that may have personal or other value.
Informal. an old prospector or guide.

Origin of pack rat

First recorded in 1840–50

Words nearby pack rat

packing plant, pack it in, packman, pack off, pack of lies, pack rat, pack rolling, packsack, packsaddle, pack shot, pack them in

Definition for pack rat (2 of 2)


or pack·rat

[ pak-rat ]
/ ˈpækˌræt /

verb (used with object), pack-rat·ted, pack-rat·ting.Informal.

to save in the manner of a pack rat: I’m looking through the stuff my grandpa pack-ratted away in the attic.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for pack rat

  • The pack-rat ran back to its hole and made its exit without loss of time, but Clarice sobbed aloud in hysterical fear.

    Hope Hathaway|Frances Parker
  • Then either the pack-rat reformed into a trade-rat, or else he sold out his claim to a trade-rat.

    Friar Tuck|Robert Alexander Wason
  • A pack-rat dont care a peg whether he can use an article or not; all he asks is the privilege of totin it about somewhere.

    Friar Tuck|Robert Alexander Wason
  • A pack-rat is about three times as big as a barn rat, an fifteen times as energetic.

    Friar Tuck|Robert Alexander Wason

British Dictionary definitions for pack rat

pack rat


any rat of the genus Neotoma, of W North America, having a long tail that is furry in some species: family CricetidaeAlso called: wood rat
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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