While new targeting restrictions have been few and far between, some digital ad firms have established additional controls to pacify squeamish media owners worried about political ad content.
‘Wouldn’t make economic sense’: Despite hyped targeting restrictions on 2020 political ads, few new limits are in place|jim cooper|October 12, 2020|Digiday
His keepers fed the beast copious amounts of port, Champagne, and whiskey to pacify the persnickety pachyderm.
Zebra Finches, Dolphins, Elephants, and More Animals Under the Influence|Bill Schulz|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Nevertheless, Iran can only go so far to pacify Iraq with its own forces.
Iran Is the Biggest Loser in Iraq|Aki Peritz|June 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Consequently, it might be necessary in some situations to pacify or motivate them with a lie.
Why Jimmy Kimmel’s Lies Matter|Sam Harris|November 19, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Yet would we nod approvingly if President Bush blamed the failure of U.S. efforts to pacify post-invasion Iraq on Saddam Hussein?
Who Needs an Oil Spill Czar?|Reihan Salam|May 29, 2010|DAILY BEAST
To pacify the ulema, always wary of any rival forum, this initial gathering consisted entirely of men who were clerics.
The Saudi Kingdom's 9/11|Robert Lacey|October 17, 2009|DAILY BEAST
The Duke strove to pacify him in a long and, as usual, incoherent letter.
Rupert Prince Palatine|Eva Scott
As well try to pacify a pack of mad and fighting dogs as these frenzied myriads with their half-crazed generals.
The Man Who Rocked the Earth|Arthur Train
I attempted to pacify her by an indefinite reply to her inquiries, but in vain.
Theresa Marchmont|Mrs Charles Gore
And why do you not apply yourselves to God chiefly for deliverance, but study how to pacify man?
A Christian Directory (Volume 1 of 4)|Richard Baxter
Then I would try to pacify her, usually succeeding, and take my departure, nobody the wiser about it all in spite of the crying.
My Life|Josiah Flynt
British Dictionary definitions for pacify
/ (ˈpæsɪˌfaɪ) /
verb-fies, -fyingor-fied(tr)
to calm the anger or agitation of; mollify
to restore to peace or order, esp by the threat or use of force