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[ pas-uh-fist ] / ˈpæs ə fɪst / SEE SYNONYMS FOR pacifist ON THESAURUS.COM
nouna person who believes in pacifism or is opposed to war or to violence of any kind. a person whose personal belief in pacifism causes him or her to refuse being drafted into military service.Compare conscientious objector. Origin of pacifistFrom the French word pacifiste, dating back to 1905–10. See pacific, -ist OTHER WORDS FROM pacifistan·ti·pac·i·fist, noun, adjectivenon·pac·i·fist, nounpro·pac·i·fist, noun, adjectivesem·i·pac·i·fist, adjective, noun un·pac·i·fist, adjective WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH pacifistactivist, pacifist , passivistWords nearby pacifistPacific Standard Time, Pacific time, Pacific tree frog, pacifier, pacifism, pacifist, pacifistic, pacify, pacing catheter, Pacini, Pacinian corpuscle Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for pacifistAnd the ones protesting the loudest may be the war-mongering men forced into pacifist celibacy. Japanese Women Tell Their Men They Have to Choose Between Love and War|Jake Adelstein, Angela Erika Kubo|May 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST He had a weakness for fine clothes and good-looking women, and he certainly was no pacifist. Mandela: The Miracle Maker|Sam Seibert|December 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST A veteran hawk, Prime Minister Abe wants to strengthen Japan, even review its pacifist constitution. Japan’s Anti-Nuclear Activists Losing Ground Since Fukushima Disaster|Lennox Samuels|March 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST In their decision they wrote that there was some chance I was a pacifist after all. My Story As a Pacifist in Israel|Jonathan Ben-Artzi|August 16, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Though a pacifist and Liberal party mayoral candidate, he was smeared as a “medic to guerrillas.” Hector Abad On “Oblivion: A Memoir,” a Memorial to His Murdered Father|Maya Jaggi|April 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST We might almost say that he was a new type—a nineteenth century humanitarian and pacifist in an eighteenth century environment. The Idea of Progress|J. B. Bury The pacifist, let me parenthetically observe, is scarcely a Christian. Marse Henry (Vol. 1)|Henry Watterson Most of us would be hard pressed to define the term "pacifist" itself. Introduction to Non-Violence|Theodore Paullin Though in no sense a pacifist, Emma Goldman was intensely opposed to wars between nations. Emma Goldman|Charles A. Madison The pacifist principles are already widely accepted as ideals in the affairs of individuals. Introduction to Non-Violence|Theodore Paullin
British Dictionary definitions for pacifist
nouna person who supports pacifism a person who refuses military service adjectiveadvocating, relating to, or characterized by pacifism Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to pacifistpeacemaker, peacenik, conscientious objector, passive resister |