The most recent Osprey crash occurred April 11 during an annual exercise in Morocco, killing two Marines.
When the Tragedy of Two Marines Killed In a Crash Becomes a Nightmare|Miranda Green|May 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST
In that same year a devastating audio recording surfaced of the commanding officer of the Osprey squadron.
When the Tragedy of Two Marines Killed In a Crash Becomes a Nightmare|Miranda Green|May 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST
However, the Osprey continues today with a less-than-perfect record.
When the Tragedy of Two Marines Killed In a Crash Becomes a Nightmare|Miranda Green|May 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST
According to an NPR report, American Marines, using an Osprey aircraft, recovered one of the airmen.
U.S. Plane Crash in Libya: Exclusive New Details|Babak Dehghanpisheh|March 22, 2011|DAILY BEAST
The Osprey yet sat motionless on the water, and her bare masts gave no sign of making sail.
For the Term of His Natural Life|Marcus Clarke
As the Osprey rose and fell with the waves, the rope became chafed on sharp edges of rock, and parted.
Viking Boys|Jessie Margaret Edmondston Saxby
It grew larger, and became an osprey on its way to the sea in search of a fish.
The Golf Course Mystery|Chester K. Steele
The Osprey is the only resident member of the order Falconiformes, and it is principally a fish eater.
The Avifauna of Micronesia, Volume 3|Rollin H. Baker
Then the eagle seizes it, often before it reaches the ground, and flies off, while the osprey goes back to his fishing.
The Children's Book of Birds|Olive Thorne Miller
British Dictionary definitions for osprey
/ (ˈɒsprɪ, -preɪ) /
a large broad-winged fish-eating diurnal bird of prey, Pandion haliaetus, with a dark back and whitish head and underparts: family PandioridaeOften called (US and Canadian): fish hawk
any of the feathers of various other birds, used esp as trimming for hats
Word Origin for osprey
C15: from Old French ospres, apparently from Latin ossifraga, literally: bone-breaker, from os bone + frangere to break