a person or group of people opposing, criticizing, or protesting something, someone, or another group.
(sometimes initial capital letter) the major political party opposed to the party in power and seeking to replace it.
the act of placing opposite, or the state or position of being placed opposite.
the act of opposing, or the state of being opposed by way of comparison or contrast.
the relation between two propositions that have the same subject and predicate, but which differ in quantity or quality, or in both.
the relation between two propositions in virtue of which the truth or falsity of one of them determines the truth or falsity of the other.
Astronomy. the situation of two heavenly bodies when their longitudes or right ascensions differ by 180°: The moon is in opposition to the sun when the earth is directly between them.
Astrology. the situation of two heavenly bodies or groups of heavenly bodies whose celestial longitudes differ by 180°, conducive to confrontation or revelation: an astrological aspect.
Electricity. the condition that exists when two waves of the same frequency are out of phase by one-half of a period.
the relationship between any two alternative units within a linguistic system, especially between minimally distinct phonemes.
the feature that constitutes the difference between two such units.
Origin of opposition
1350–1400; <Latin oppositiōn- (stem of oppositiō), equivalent to opposit(us) (see opposite) + -iōn--ion; replacing Middle English opposicioun<Old French opposicion<Latin as above
The opposition responded with a month-long Occupy Abay (like Occupy Wall St) campaign, in which Udaltsov was one of key figures.
Behind Bars for the Holidays: 11 Political Prisoners We Want to See Free In 2015|Movements.Org|December 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Other journalists and opposition activists languish in prison on similar charges.
Behind Bars for the Holidays: 11 Political Prisoners We Want to See Free In 2015|Movements.Org|December 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Some of them, including Kurnosova, escaped the country as they faced a possible jail term for their opposition activity.
Russians Plot Exiled Government in Kiev|Anna Nemtsova|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In that case the device was to put the genius in opposition to a majority of established cultural tastes and codes.
Why Can’t Movies Capture Genius?|Clive Irving|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It reflects both the anger provoked by the senseless violence two days earlier, and the growing confidence of the opposition.
How Havel Inspired the Velvet Revolution|Michael Zantovsky|December 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As the Will may assume in the absence of such affirmations, and in the direction of them, so it may in opposition to them.
Doctrine of the Will|Asa Mahan
The attempted suppression of his trade by the Egyptian Government drove him naturally into opposition.
The River War|Winston S. Churchill
Every obstacle creates confusion, speedily converted into panic by opposition.
Destruction and Reconstruction:|Richard Taylor
This Act once more united in opposition the nobles and the preachers; since 1596 they had not been in harmony.
A Short History of Scotland|Andrew Lang
Not being expected at that time of year, they met with no opposition.
Retrospect of Western Travel, Volume II (of 2)|Harriet Martineau
British Dictionary definitions for opposition
/ (ˌɒpəˈzɪʃən) /
the act of opposing or the state of being opposed
hostility, unfriendliness, or antagonism
a person or group antagonistic or opposite in aims to another
the oppositiona political party or group opposed to the ruling party or government
(capital as part of a name, esp in Britain and other Commonwealth countries)Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition
in opposition(of a political party) opposing the government
a position facing or opposite another
the act of placing something facing or opposite something else
something that acts as an obstacle to some course or progress
the position of an outer planet or the moon when it is in line or nearly in line with the earth as seen from the sun and is approximately at its nearest to the earth
the position of two celestial bodies when they appear to be diametrically opposite each other on the celestial sphereCompare conjunction (def. 4)
astrologyan exact aspect of 180° between two planets, etc, an orb of 8° being allowedSee conjunction (def. 5), square (def. 10), trine (def. 1)
the relation between propositions having the same subject and predicate but differing in quality, quantity, or both, as with all men are wicked; no men are wicked; some men are not wicked
square of oppositiona diagram representing these relations with the contradictory propositions at diagonally opposite corners
the oppositionchessa relative position of the kings in the endgame such that the player who has the move is at a disadvantagehis opponent has the opposition
A characteristic movement of the primate thumb, in which the pad of the thumb can be placed in contact with the pads of the fingers of the same hand.
The position of two celestial bodies when their celestial longitude differs by 180°, especially a configuration in which Earth lies on a straight line between the Sun and a superior planet or the Moon. Planets in this position rise as the Sun sets and are visible all night long, reaching their highest point in the sky at midnight; the Moon in this position is full. Compare conjunction. See more at elongation.