释义 |
[ ey-lahn, ey-lan; French ey-lahn ] / eɪˈlɑn, eɪˈlæn; French eɪˈlɑ̃ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR élan ON THESAURUS.COM
noundash; impetuous ardor: to dance with great élan. Origin of élan1875–80; French, Middle French eslan a dash, rush, noun derivative of eslancer to dart, equivalent to es-ex-1 + lancer to lance1 WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH élanéclat, élan Words nearby élanelaiosome, El Alamein, Elam, Elamite, Elamitic, élan, élancé, eland, élan vital, elapid, elapse Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for élanThe romance of elan energized the volunteers who flocked to the colors in the early years of the struggle. Lawrence of Arabia Became Popular as the Dashing Antithesis of the War in Europe|Jack Schwartz|December 21, 2013|DAILY BEAST Now that we know about DNA, we no longer need an elan vital. Is the Brain No Different From a Light Switch? The Uncomfortable Ideas of the Philosopher Daniel Dennett|Jonathan Weiner|May 19, 2013|DAILY BEAST As the indictment notes, Martoma was regarded by an SAC official as a “one-trick pony with Elan.” The Insider-Trading Cloud Hanging Over SAC Capital’s Steven A. Cohen|Daniel Gross|November 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST A certain proportion of this would, of course, be allowed to escape, as it would never do to stop the river Elan altogether.
Daim is the French for deer, and cerf for stag; elan is the true term, when one would speak of an elk. The Last of the Mohicans|James Fenimore Cooper These people are much given to bleed, and therefore stop their noses with deer hair or the hair of an elan. Voyages in Search of the North-West Passage|Richard Hakluyt His feoffees were to pay nineteen marks “for ye makyng ye sayd Elan nun.” Medieval English Nunneries c. 1275 to 1535|Eileen Edna Power He could not appreciate the weakness of assuming the defensive in the midst of the elan of a successful advance. The Campaign of Chancellorsville|Theodore A. Dodge
British Dictionary definitions for élan/ (eɪˈlɑːn, eɪˈlæn, French elɑ̃) /
nouna combination of style and vigourhe performed the concerto with élan Word Origin for élanC19: from French, from élancer to throw forth, ultimately from Latin lancea lance Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to élananimation, ardor, dash, flair, impetus, life, oomph, panache, spirit, style, verve, vigor, vim, zest, zing, brio, esprit, impetuosity |