When the fans and journalists arrived at Zurich International Airport, we had no idea what Microsoft had planned.
War Games: Microsoft Invades Liechtenstein for Halo 4 Blowout|Alex Klein|November 8, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Then when I went to Zurich and saw pictures of myself in the newspaper, it was surreal.
Roman Polanski, the Sequel|Alessandra Rafferty|October 3, 2012|DAILY BEAST
They quickly left Frankfurt for Zurich, Switzerland, where they waited desperately for financial support from LAKAM.
The Billionaire and the Fugitive|Meir Doron, Joseph Gelman|July 23, 2011|DAILY BEAST
“If he had real money in Zurich, it may be gone by now,” the official said.
The Hunt for Mubarak's Billions|Philip Shenon|February 12, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Some of the aristocratic Zurich families of to-day trace their origin to these Locarno refugees.
The Story of Switzerland|Lina Hug
This book uses both Themes and themes, Zrich and Zurich, ascendancy and ascendency.
The Art of War in the Middle Ages A.D. 378-1515|C. W. C. Oman
He also defrayed the expenses of the Wagner concert at Zurich, a little item of nine thousand francs.
Unicorns|James Huneker
A beautiful pack of cards was engraved by Jost Ammon, who was born in Zurich in 1539.
Prophetical, Educational and Playing Cards|Mrs. John King Van Rensselaer
I will find you a good chauffeur, and you can go to Zurich on its wheels.
A Woman's Will|Anne Warner
British Dictionary definitions for Zurich
/ (ˈzjʊərɪk, Germanˈtsyːrɪç) /
a canton of NE Switzerland: mainly Protestant and German-speaking. Capital: Zürich. Pop: 342 500 (2002 est). Area: 1729 sq km (668 sq miles)
a city in NE Switzerland, the capital of Zürich canton, on Lake Zürich: the largest city and industrial centre in Switzerland; centre of the Swiss Reformation; financial centre. Pop: 336 821 (1999 est)
Lake Züricha lake in N Switzerland, mostly in Zürich canton. Area: 89 sq km (34 sq miles)