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[ bair-ish ] / ˈbɛər ɪʃ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR bearish ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivelike a bear; rough, burly, or clumsy. Informal. grumpy, bad-mannered, or rude. Commerce. - declining or tending toward a decline in prices.
- characterized by or reflecting unfavorable prospects for the economy or some aspect of it: a bearish market.
Origin of bearishFirst recorded in 1735–45; bear2 + -ish1 OTHER WORDS FROM bearishbear·ish·ly, adverbbear·ish·ness, nounWords nearby bearishbearing rein, bearings, bearing sword, bearing wall, bear in mind, bearish, bear leader, bear market, Béarn, Béarnaise, bear off Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for bearishBerkeley-based economist Enrico Moretti is also bearish on the future of the region. The Rustbelt Roars Back From the Dead|Joel Kotkin, Richey Piiparinen|December 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST AIPAC, for example, has been bearish on the peace process thus far. Does Elliott Abrams Speak For American Jewish Leaders?|Ali Gharib|August 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST Those who are bullish on America and bearish on China probably have it about right. America’s Real China Threat|Aaron Friedberg|August 23, 2011|DAILY BEAST One critic, Nouriel Roubini, the bearish New York University economist known as Dr. Doom, was in attendance Friday morning. Meet Britain's Austerity Chief|R.M. Schneiderman|December 17, 2010|DAILY BEAST
The fact that people are being fired at such a high rate is a serious sign that employers are bearish about the near-term future. Interview With Edmund Phelps|The Daily Beast|July 13, 2009|DAILY BEAST That the man was a bear was a matter of course, and bears probably do not themselves know how bearish they are. The Eustace Diamonds|Anthony Trollope Some say it is a hermit, a bearish kind of gentleman who sees no one and never goes out. Woman and Artist|Max O'Rell He was in a bearish mood, for he had lost eleven francs at cards the night before. The Sin of Monsieur Pettipon|Richard Connell His loving, bearish onslaught and his words quite silenced Carley. The Call of the Canyon|Zane Grey Yet a spirit disclosed itself who treated this ideal society in a very impolite, bearish manner. The Quest|Frederik van Eeden
British Dictionary definitions for bearish
adjectivelike a bear; rough; clumsy; churlish stock exchange causing, expecting, or characterized by a fall in pricesa bearish market Derived forms of bearishbearishly, adverbbearishness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to bearishgrouchy, cantankerous, testy, cranky, feisty, uptight, surly, passionate, contentious, petulant, resentful, fractious, annoyed, prickly, exasperated, tough, harsh, hard, cruel, raw |