[ wuhn -sahy -did ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈwʌnˈsaɪ dɪd / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective considering but one side of a matter or question; partial or unfair: a one-sided judgment.
with one party, contestant, side, etc., vastly superior; unbalanced; unequal: a one-sided fight.
existing or occurring on one side only.
having but one side, or but one developed or finished side.
having one side larger or more developed than the other.
Law . involving the action of one person only.
having the parts all on one side, as an inflorescence.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of one-sided First recorded in 1805–15
OTHER WORDS FROM one-sided one-sid·ed·ly, adverb one-sid·ed·ness, noun Words nearby one-sided eyes are bigger than one's stomach, one's, heart goes out to, one's, heart misses a beat, one's, heart sinks, one's, one-shot, one-sided , onesie, one-size-fits-all, lips are sealed, one's, name is mud, one's, number is up, one's
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for one-sided I find both “admirer” and “suitor” to be presumptuous and one-sided .
What Should I Call the Man I Love? | Dushka Zapata| November 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The play was so one-sided that it does not merit detailed description.
Germany Humiliates World Cup Host Brazil 7-1 in Semifinal Slaughter | Tunku Varadarajan| July 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The one-sided Jay Z melee was quickly forgotten, as tabloids printed news of a rekindled relationship between Drake and Rihanna.
Drake Doesn’t Have to Apologize For Dissing Jay Z | Rawiya Kameir| April 2, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Historically, migraines were labeled a hysterical female condition, characterized by throbbing, one-sided , nauseating pain.
Why Everything from Frigid Temperatures to Lightning Can Induce Migraines | Caitlin Dickson| January 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Their one-sided condemnation of '48 is a rejection of our democratic Zionism.
Who's Afraid of the Right of Return? A Response to Kathleen Peratis on BDS | Tom Pessah| October 17, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Their minds are one-sided , and marked with sad irregularities.
Aims and Aids for Girls and Young Women | George Sumner Weaver
He worked exclusively from Prussian archives, and history seen exclusively through Prussian spectacles was bound to be one-sided .
Recent Developments in European Thought | Various
Sigurd's dragon-fight is, for this reason, a one-sided business from the first.
No, by the truest rifle on the frontiers, here have been them one-sided horses again!
The Last of the Mohicans | James Fenimore Cooper
Although in a relative sense abstract, yet it must not be one-sided but concrete thinking, in order to be true and rational.
The Introduction to Hegel's Philosophy of Fine Arts | Georg Hegel
British Dictionary definitions for one-sided adjective considering or favouring only one side of a matter, problem, etc
having all the advantage on one side
larger or more developed on one side
having, existing on, or occurring on one side only
another term for unilateral
denoting a surface on which any two points can be joined without crossing an edge See Möbius strip
Derived forms of one-sided one-sidedly , adverb one-sidedness , noun Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to one-sided unjust, partisan, discriminatory, unequal, unfair, colored, favorably, inclined, influenced, predisposed, prejudiced