Although Mayer’s exit in the midst of negotiations seems like a bad omen for TikTok’s future, Zhang says the Microsoft deal is unlikely to be unaffected.
TikTok’s most vocal defender is now its new interim CEO|Naomi Xu Elegant|August 27, 2020|Fortune
At times, it seemed Leonard was awaiting a portent or an omen.
The Stacks: How Leonard Chess Helped Make Muddy Waters|Alex Belth|August 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The Japan Times on March 6, 2010, reported that in folklore the fish comes to the beach as an omen of an earthquake.
Fishy Mystery: Are Beached Oarfish Trying to Tell Us Something?|Kevin Bailey|October 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The color has also been used to forebode an omen or a threat.
On St. Patrick’s Day, Beware Those Sly Green Eyes|Laura Dimon|March 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Some view is as an omen of dread, of blood, of war, or of victory.
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 2 for Dummies|Jace Lacob|March 28, 2012|DAILY BEAST
They may even have a good argument, but their very existence is about as ill an omen as it gets.
Five Signs the Dems are Doomed|Benjamin Sarlin|October 24, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Again he won his stake, an omen for the day, and was exultant.
Mr. Scarborough's Family|Anthony Trollope
If they remain unmoved on the left, or adhere to the right, then it is an omen that the absent loved one will remain faithful.
Domestic folk-lore|T. F. Thiselton-Dyer
If dark and dingy, the omen was bad, and they were ordered to sit still.
Samoa, A Hundred Years Ago And Long Before|George Turner
But in the meantime its disappearance troubled me like an omen.
Uncle Silas|J. S. LeFanu
René took the incident as an omen, and turned his ode into a prophecy which he delivered to his master as the utterance of God.
A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.)|Mrs. Sutherland Orr
British Dictionary definitions for omen
/ (ˈəʊmən) /
a phenomenon or occurrence regarded as a sign of future happiness or disaster
What In The World Is The “Hindenburg Omen”?What does a historic accident have to do with portending trouble on the current horizon? At least you don't have to worry about otherworldly forces.
Words related to omen
premonition, harbinger, indication, portent, auspice, prognostic, straw, foreboding, augury, warning, prognostication, prophecy, presage, foretoken, boding, writing on the wall, bodement