The central theme of your new book is that the American system presently finds itself in a conflict between “democracy versus oligarchy.”
The system is ‘rigged’: Robert Reich on the Supreme Court, economic inequality, and his Twitter beef with Elon Musk|reymashayekhi|October 12, 2020|Fortune
Instead we have witnessed the emergence of the Age of Oligarchy.
Dawn of the Age of Oligarchy: the Alliance between Government and the 1%|Joel Kotkin|June 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“Some say America is an oligarchy for the multinationals,” he said.
Vatican Science on Christmas and Creationism|Christopher Dickey|December 22, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The second wave of Russian oligarchy is different from the first in another way, too.
Boris Berezovsky and the Russian Money Problem|David Frum|March 30, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Certainly they would be better off under a reformist government, rather than the smothering absolutism of the oligarchy.
The Thugs Who Lead Iran's Supreme Leader|Gary Sick|June 27, 2009|DAILY BEAST
As the war went on it became clearer that it was a struggle between two rival political creeds, democracy and oligarchy.
Authors of Greece|T. W. Lumb
Nor was it obvious that a genuine kingship would have been worse than the oligarchy of the great Whig families.
Political Thought in England from Locke to Bentham|Harold J. Laski
The oligarchy of parvenus which arose after the Punic wars could not be respected as the Roman senate had been.
General Bramble|Andr Maurois
The oligarchy was infatuated to the point of finding any place a fit place.
What Will People Say?|Rupert Hughes
The rise of the Oligarchy will always remain a cause of secret wonder to the historian and the philosopher.
The Iron Heel|Jack London
British Dictionary definitions for oligarchy
/ (ˈɒlɪˌɡɑːkɪ) /
government by a small group of people
a state or organization so governed
a small body of individuals ruling such a state
mainlyUSa small clique of private citizens who exert a strong influence on government