单词 | anagram |
释义 | anagram[ an-uh-gram ] / ˈæn əˌgræm / SEE SYNONYMS FOR anagram ON THESAURUS.COM nouna word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters: “Angel” is an anagram of “glean.” anagrams, (used with a singular verb) a game in which the players build words by transposing and, often, adding letters. verb (used with object), an·a·grammed, an·a·gram·ming.to form (the letters of a text) into a secret message by rearranging them. to rearrange (the letters of a text) so as to discover a secret message. Origin of anagram1580–90; probably <Middle French anagramme<New Latin anagramma.See ana-, -gram1 OTHER WORDS FROM anagraman·a·gram·mat·ic [an-uh-gruh-mat-ik], /ˌæn ə grəˈmæt ɪk/, an·a·gram·mat·i·cal, adjectivean·a·gram·mat·i·cal·ly, adverbWords nearby anagramAnaglypta, anagnorisis, anagoge, anagogic, anagogy, anagram, anagrammatize, anagrammer, Anaheim, Anáhuac, Anakim Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for anagramBritish Dictionary definitions for anagramanagram / (ˈænəˌɡræm) / nouna word or phrase the letters of which can be rearranged into another word or phrase Derived forms of anagramanagrammatic (ˌænəɡrəˈmætɪk) or anagrammatical, adjectiveanagrammatically, adverbWord Origin for anagramC16: from New Latin anagramma, shortened from Greek anagrammatismos, from anagrammatizein to transpose letters, from ana- + gramma a letter Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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