any plant belonging to the genus Yucca, of the agave family, native to the warmer regions of America, having pointed, usually rigid, sword-shaped leaves and clusters of white, waxy flowers: the state flower of New Mexico.
Origin of yucca
1655–65; <New Latin, apparently <Spanish; perhaps originally identical with yucayuca
Maybe it was the man who wrote her from Yucca, said Helen to Ruth.
Ruth Fielding In the Saddle|Alice B. Emerson
British Dictionary definitions for yucca
/ (ˈjʌkə) /
any of several plants of the genus Yucca, of tropical and subtropical America, having stiff lancelike leaves and spikes of white flowers: family AgaraceaeSee also Adam's-needle, Spanish bayonet
Word Origin for yucca
C16: from American Spanish yuca, ultimately from an American Indian word