The Garfield specials are also unique for their deadpan delivery and oftentimes bleak worldview.
Garfield Television: The Cat Who Saved Primetime Cartoons|Rich Goldstein|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Oftentimes public fear like this can be a self-indulgent kind of collective astral projection.
The Real Nightmare of Ferguson|James Poulos|August 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And oftentimes, we can project hypochondria onto others, Akerman said.
Strangers Diagnose Your Illness and Get Cash in Return|Kevin Zawacki|August 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Oftentimes, you can look at your data in the app that collects it.
Self-Tracking for N00bz|Jamie Todd Rubin|July 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
His shoots, oftentimes for Vogue, would also “wind up with sex.”
Speed Read: Terry Richardson on Sex, Lies, and Lindsay Lohan|Justin Jones|June 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Oftentimes he holds no elective office, but may be an appointee of the government or State.
The Cleverdale Mystery or, The Machine and its Wheels|W. A. Wilkins
Oftentimes I thought I'd raised it, but it was never there, wee laddie, never there.
The Wind Bloweth|Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne
Oftentimes his wit was severely sarcastic, but as a rule it was only genial and mirth-provoking.
Genius in Sunshine and Shadow|Maturin Murray Ballou
Oftentimes they concern rather the manner of conducting business.
Railroads: Rates and Regulations|William Z. Ripley
Oftentimes our patients listen so attentively that they forget they are in a crowd.
Notable Women Of Modern China|Margaret E. Burton
Words related to oftentimes
usually, regularly, much, generally, repeatedly, again and again, often, again, frequently, time and again, intermittently, periodically, ofttimes, oft, time after time, over and over, recurrently, at times, customarily, every now and then