a spoollike toy consisting of two thick wooden, plastic, or metal disks connected by a dowel pin in the center to which a string is attached, one end being looped around the player's finger so that the toy can be spun out and reeled in by wrist motion.
something that fluctuates or moves up and down, especially suddenly or repeatedly.
Slang. a stupid, foolish, or incompetent person.
Informal. moving up and down or back and forth; fluctuating; vacillating: yo-yo prices; a yo-yo foreign policy.
verb (used without object)
Informal. to move up and down or back and forth; fluctuate or vacillate: Mortgage rates are still yo-yoing.
verb (used with object)
Informal. to cause to yo-yo.
Origin of yo-yo
First recorded in 1915–20; of undetermined origin; possibly from Ilocano yóyo or a related language as the name of a Philippine toy
English Words That Came From The PhilippinesMany words from Tagalog and other languages from the Philippines have found their way into English. See how many of these you've encountered in your everyday vocabulary.