Garrett Bradley’s documentary follows Fox Rich, who has spent 21 years doggedly petitioning for the release of her husband Rob, from prison, where he’s been sentenced to spend 60 years following a youthful crime in which they were both involved.
11 compelling documentaries to watch for this fall|Alissa Wilkinson|October 9, 2020|Vox
In a 2019 podcast interview, Hayungs said he “went to county jail” 17 times when he was young, the result of what he called “youthful indiscretions.”
The COVID-19 Charmer: How a Self-Described Felon Convinced Elected Officials to Try to Help Him Profit From the Pandemic|by Vianna Davila, Jeremy Schwartz and Lexi Churchill|September 25, 2020|ProPublica
“It’s probably a combination of new coaches and new players in this league and youthful legs, and just having that time off,” Dream coach Nicki Collen said.
The Pace Of Play Has Never Been Faster In The WNBA|Howard Megdal|August 6, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Julio Cardenas, 25 and an MC from the group RCA, was older but with a youthful smile that hid the harsher sides of Cuban life.
Cuban Hip-Hop Was Born in Alamar|Daniel Levin|December 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
John Paul was youthful in his sixties with a radiant charisma.
How Pope Francis Became the World’s BFF|Jason Berry|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I agree with you, but the youthful energy in the libertarian movement foresees a tipping point.
This Republican Loved Taxes & Modern Art|Scott Porch|November 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Imagine if you were doomed forever to live inside a youthful mistake.
Here’s a Reform Even the Koch Brothers and George Soros Can Agree On|Tina Brown|November 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This was before Cassidy entered politics, and the Republican congressman now calls that donation a “youthful indiscretion.”
Mary Landrieu-Bill Cassidy Louisiana Senate Race Heads to a Runoff|Tim Mak|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
All these are natural expressions of innocent gaiety and youthful elasticity of spirits, whereof this world sees far too little.
Glances at Europe|Horace Greeley
I was still so youthful that I felt uneasy about the ribbon which seemed to blaze and draw all eyes.
My Recollections|Jules Massenet
She always seemed to be fairly bursting with youthful energy, and no bird could rival her buoyancy.
Ancestors|Gertrude Atherton
For half an hour they ran about the streets at his direction, while he talked on about his youthful joys and sorrows.
Money Magic|Hamlin Garland
Over his youthful face a sullen shadow had fallen—flickering, not yet settled.
The Fighting Chance|Robert W. Chambers
British Dictionary definitions for youthful
/ (ˈjuːθfʊl) /
of, relating to, possessing, or characteristic of youth
fresh, vigorous, or activehe's surprisingly youthful for his age
in an early stage of developmenta youthful culture
Also: young(of a river, valley, or land surface) in the early stage of the cycle of erosion, characterized by steep slopes, lack of flood plains, and V-shaped valleysCompare mature (def. 6), old (def. 18)