[ ok -yuh -puh nt ] SHOW IPA
noun a person, family, group, or organization that lives in, occupies, or has quarters or space in or on something: the occupant of a taxicab; the occupants of the building.
a tenant of a house, estate, office, etc.; resident.
Law . an owner through occupancy. one who is in actual possession. Origin of occupant 1590–1600; <Middle French occupant, present participle of occuper. See occupy, -ant
OTHER WORDS FROM occupant non·oc·cu·pant, noun pre·oc·cu·pant, noun Words nearby occupant occult fracture, occult hydrocephalus, occulting light, occultism, occupancy, occupant , occupation, occupational, occupational dermatitis, occupational disease, occupational hazard
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for occupant Thus far the tomb at Amphipolis has produced artistic wonders, adding to speculation that its occupant (s) held very high rank.
Amphipolis Tomb Yields Amazing Finds But Mysteries Linger | James Romm| October 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
He is a popular former governor and current occupant of the Senate seat that Gillespie seeks to win.
Virginia’s Next Senate Race Just Got Interesting | Ron Christie| January 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Indeed, the cupholders of every occupant in the row in front of me actually had chocolate milk in them.
I Was Way Too Old for Z100’s Jingle Ball Concert. But I Couldn’t Have Had More Fun. | Kevin Fallon| December 14, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The challenge was to connect with ordinary voters and make them feel comfortable with him as an occupant of the Oval Office.
Romney Plays It Safe | Howard Kurtz| August 31, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Nor had I given much heed to the single other occupant of the car, a thin, bearded man.
Elevator Safety: Suzanne Hart’s Tragic Death Raises Questions | Maura Kelly| December 16, 2011| DAILY BEAST
The only occupant of Number 25 who seemed to be happy that night was Songbird, who came in whistling gaily.
The Rover Boys on a Tour | Arthur M. Winfield
Still it was lofty, and it was wide enough to admit of a certain but limited amount of exercise to its occupant .
In the Days of Chivalry | Evelyn Everett-Green
All these twenty-eight men insisted that I should have a whole bunk to myself—the occupant would shift and go to another fellow.
The Land of the Long Night | Paul du Chaillu
A few minutes later the occupant of the other hammock lifted his head and listened.
"Forward, March" | Kirk Munroe
One bamboo chair had already been vacated by its occupant ; in the other, sat a young English lady.
A Bottle in the Smoke | Milne Rae
British Dictionary definitions for occupant noun a person, thing, etc, holding a position or place
law a person who has possession of something, esp an estate, house, etc; tenant
law a person who acquires by occupancy the title to something previously without an owner
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to occupant incumbent, dweller, resident, denizen, renter, inhabitant, holder, tenant, lessee, possessor, user, householder, occupier, addressee, indweller, resider