She agreed several times that “no one is above the law,” but she warned that the Supreme Court has no real recourse to ensure that people, including the president, obeyed its orders.
To Democrats’ frustration, GOP predicts clear sailing as Barrett testimony ends|Robert Barnes, Seung Min Kim, Ann Marimow|October 15, 2020|Washington Post
“The Supreme Court can’t control what the president obeys,” she said flatly.
Barrett confirmation hearing day three: Barrett declines to say whether it’s wrong to separate migrant children from parents|Derek Hawkins, Seung Min Kim, Ann Marimow, Karoun Demirjian|October 14, 2020|Washington Post
If they obey and seem comfortable, there’s a good chance your pup will survive the day without you.
How to help your pet with separation anxiety|Sara Kiley Watson|August 26, 2020|Popular Science
They provide continuous information, so that the population can have real-time updates, and then believe in the government and strictly obey all their guidelines.
The strong force operating between quarks obeys very complicated rules—so complicated, in fact, that usually the only way to calculate its effects is to use approximations and supercomputers.
CERN: Physicists Report the Discovery of Unique New Particle|Harry Cliff|July 15, 2020|Singularity Hub
Those advocating justice should first obey the rule of law themselves.
It’s Time to Hold Protesters Accountable|Ron Christie|December 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This argument is vital to a larger argument: Do we obey the rules set up to constrain government or not?
Obama’s ISIS War Is Illegal|Sen. Rand Paul|November 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
THE DISHONOR OF HONOR KILLINGS Imagine a young woman killed by her own relatives for failing to obey.
Lone Star Leaders||October 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
No soldier is obliged to obey a law contrary to the law of God.
Why Pope Francis Wants to Declare Murdered Archbishop Romero a Saint|Christopher Dickey|August 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I continue to live here, work here, pay the taxes and obey the law.
Men Without a Country: Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, My Father and Me|Arthur Chu|August 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Poor Jonas was compelled to obey, and being placed on shore, the boat again pulled away.
Ben Burton|W. H. G. Kingston
But when once your stage-manager is chosen, all the actors must make up their minds to obey him implicitly.
The Peace Egg and Other tales|Juliana Horatia Ewing
We can drift like other animals, and often do; but we can also obey our own volition.
Life and Matter|Oliver Lodge
He could not but obey the summons of her distressed beauty, perfect knight of chivalry that he was.
The King of Alsander|James Elroy Flecker
God has given human freedom to all men; He has told us what we should do, but He has left us free to obey or to disobey.
With the Children on Sunday|Sylvanus Stall
British Dictionary definitions for obey
/ (əˈbeɪ) /
to carry out (instructions or orders); comply with (demands)
to behave or act in accordance with (one's feelings, whims, etc)
Derived forms of obey
obeyer, noun
Word Origin for obey
C13: from Old French obéir, from Latin oboedīre, from ob- to, towards + audīre to hear