The revamped forms and text messages are examples of what behavioral scientists call nudges, relatively inexpensive behavior changers that stem from psychological research.
Easy interventions like revamping forms help people show up to court|Sujata Gupta|October 8, 2020|Science News
For instance, she speculated that the kind of cautionary nudges Nextdoor gives its users could also help make emails within companies kinder.
Nextdoor’s CEO wants to do for community what Jane Fonda did for fitness|dzanemorris|September 30, 2020|Fortune
Such nudges are preferable to simply letting moderators decide after the fact which content gets deleted and which can stay.
Nextdoor’s CEO wants to do for community what Jane Fonda did for fitness|dzanemorris|September 30, 2020|Fortune
At first, laser pulses simply couldn’t be made short enough to deliver a sufficiently rapid sequence of nudges.
Alchemy Arrives in a Burst of Light|Philip Ball|September 30, 2020|Quanta Magazine
They reached out to 800 households and gave half of them a series of nudges designed to encourage environmentally friendly behaviors.
How a vacation—or a pandemic—can help you adopt better habits now|matthewheimer|September 12, 2020|Fortune
It was another of the nudge, nudge, wink, wink jokes that summed up the entire enterprise.