worthy of note or notice; noteworthy: a notable success; a notable theory.
prominent, important, or distinguished: many notable artists.
Archaic. capable, thrifty, and industrious.
a prominent, distinguished, or important person.
(usually initial capital letter)French History.
one of a number of prominent men, usually of the aristocracy, called by the king on extraordinary occasions.
Notables, Also called Assembly of the Notables.an assembly of high-ranking nobles, ecclesiastics, and state functionaries having deliberative but not legislative or administrative powers, convoked by the king principally in 1554, 1786, and 1788, in the lattermost year to establish the manner for selecting the States-General.
Obsolete. a notable fact or thing.
Origin of notable
1300–50; Middle English notab(i)le<Latin notābilis.See note, -able
HRC has named Chase Brexton a “Leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality” every year since it launched its Healthcare Equality Index, but the organization said the recognition is even more notable with the additional challenges faced this year.
Chase Brexton recognized in HRC Healthcare Equality Index|Philip Van Slooten|September 11, 2020|Washington Blade
Given these claims, it is notable that Nikola repeatedly described the video as showing the truck “in motion,” which would be technically true even if the truck were not moving under its own power.
New report claims widespread deception by Nikola Motor and founder Trevor Milton|dzanemorris|September 10, 2020|Fortune
A notable project comes from both NASA and Lockheed Martin, which is working on an aircraft called the X-59 QueSST.
Air Force transport jets for VIPs could have a supersonic future|Rob Verger|September 10, 2020|Popular Science
The most notable is a meta-analysis of seven existing studies on the subject, sponsored by the World Health Organization.
Corticosteroids can help COVID-19 patients with severe respiratory distress|Kat Eschner|September 3, 2020|Popular Science
Right now, that dominance is most notable whenever Leonard posts up, which is at a higher volume and efficiency than we’ve ever seen from him in the playoffs.
If Kawhi Turns His Back To The Basket, Watch Out|Michael Pina|September 3, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
“We would love to finish what we started some years ago,” Branson told journalists at a news conference with notable hesitancy.
You Were Wrong About Miley & Bitcoin: 2014’s Failed Predictions|Nina Strochlic|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Here are 15 notable books published in 2014 about the decade of the moment.
The Best Books About the Volatile ’60s|Scott Porch|December 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Ed Sheeran, one of the performers on the night, was a notable exception.
I Got Kicked Out Of The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show|Nico Hines|December 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But the display was notable for the eruptions of smoke from the engines, most likely Russian RD-93s.
How China Will Track—and Kill—America’s Newest Stealth Jets|Bill Sweetman|December 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But these dramatic increases in spending and teachers have not yielded a notable change in overall student outcomes.
How a GOP Senate Can Help the Poor|Veronique de Rugy|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The most notable object in the study was a framed, illuminated oblong about five feet long and perhaps two and a half feet wide.
Marjorie Dean College Junior|Pauline Lester
On the twenty-second a notable cavalry engagement, with light artillery, took place at Waterloo Bridge.
Three Years in the Federal Cavalry|Willard Glazier
Among its cross-bred offspring are some notable varieties, all of which are described in their proper places in this work.
The Grapes of New York|U. P. Hedrick
Whitney's notable invention of the cotton gin in 1793 had given a stupendous impetus to cotton growing in the Southern States.
History of the Great American Fortunes, Vol. I|Myers Gustavus
This may be mentioned as a notable instance of the "shrewd financiering" of Brigham Young.
The Mormon Prophet and His Harem|C.V. Waite
British Dictionary definitions for notable
/ (ˈnəʊtəbəl) /
worthy of being noted or remembered; remarkable; distinguished
a notable person
Derived forms of notable
notableness, noun
Word Origin for notable
C14: via Old French from Latin notābilis, from notāre to note