Norwich Meadows Farms in Upstate New York, which started in 1998, also offers organic meat.
Inside The Growing Organic Halal Movement|Sharon Adarlo|September 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“He did not have those views when we married, but acquired them after,” Zubkova told The Norwich Bulletin.
Awkward: This Democratic Judicial Candidate's Husband Is a White Supremacist|Gideon Resnick|August 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A “year to the day” after he began his “tour,” he was “taken into hospital in Norwich in a state of almost total immobility.”
Walking In The Footsteps Of W.G. Sebald, Hiker, Novelist, Strange Genius|Edward Platt|June 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Norwich has long been known by the designation of a “City of Gardens.”
Addresses & Papers / Collectanea|Peter Eade
The celebrated Dr. Parr, of Norwich, has—wickedly, shall we say?
Life Of Johnson, Volume 4 (of 6)|Boswell
As in other epidemics, it was not until its second year that the smallpox reached Norwich.
A History of Epidemics in Britain, Volume II (of 2)|Charles Creighton
A considerable portion of the stock of this company was raised in Norwich and Yarmouth.
Norfolk Annals|Charles Mackie
They were always glad to see him and revive old memories of the Norwich days.
The Life of George Borrow|Herbert Jenkins
British Dictionary definitions for Norwich
/ (ˈnɒrɪdʒ) /
a city in E England, administrative centre of Norfolk: cathedral (founded 1096); University of East Anglia (1963); traditionally a centre of the footwear industry, now has engineering, financial services. Pop: 174 047 (2001)