[ res -uh l ] SHOW IPA
verb (used without object), wres·tled, wres·tling. to engage in wrestling.
to contend, as in a struggle for mastery; grapple: to wrestle with one's conscience.
verb (used with object), wres·tled, wres·tling. to contend with in wrestling.
to force by or as if by wrestling.
to throw (a calf or other animal) for branding.
SEE MORE SEE LESS noun an act of or a bout at wrestling.
a struggle.
Origin of wrestle before 1100; Middle English wrestlen, wrastlen (v.), Old English *wrǣstlian (compare Old English wrǣstlere wrestler), frequentative of wrǣstan to wrest; cognate with Middle Dutch, Middle Low German worstelen
OTHER WORDS FROM wrestle wrestler, noun outwrestle, verb (used with object), out·wres·tled, out·wres·tling. un·wres·tled, adjective Words nearby wrestle wrench, Wren, Christopher, Wrens, wren-tit, wrest, wrestle , wrestling, wrest pin, wretch, wretched, Wrexham
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for wrestle She squinted, blinked sporadically, and tilted her head, as if straining to wrestle answers from her brain.
Jeopardy! Champion Julia Collins’s Brain Feels Like Mush | Sujay Kumar| November 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
“We do have to wrestle with the fact that the army already has them on the ground,” she said.
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A recently released app invites users to wrestle with the text of a modern classic.
The ‘Slow Web’ Movement Will Save Our Brains | Joshua Rivera| June 16, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Erudite is trying to wrestle control of the government away from Abnegation via nefarious schemes.
Exclusive: Shailene Woodley On ‘Divergent,’ J. Law, and Why She Turned Down ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ | Marlow Stern| March 7, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Yet he continued to wrestle with a demon that the Perry Street regular felt sure could be summarized in four syllables.
NYPD: We Have Hoffman’s Diary | Michael Daly| February 5, 2014| DAILY BEAST
And it was also said of him that it was only for hobgoblins to wrestle with the dead.
The Essays of Montaigne, Complete | Michel de Montaigne
They wrestle almost all the time, but Peter is nearly as strong.
Lisbeth Longfrock | Hans Aanrud
They wrestle the length of the hall, and break all before them.
He asked what they wanted him to do, and they asked him to wrestle with some one.
Grettir The Strong | Unknown
Machinery, the product of modern times, is the most powerful enemy that the notion of a Providence has ever had to wrestle with.
The Non-religion of the Future: A Sociological Study | Jean-Marie Guyau
British Dictionary definitions for wrestle verb to fight (another person) by holding, throwing, etc, without punching with the closed fist
(intr) to participate in wrestling
(when intr, foll by with or against ) to fight with (a person, problem, or thing) wrestle with one's conscience
(tr) to move laboriously, as with wrestling movements
(tr) US and Canadian to throw (an animal) for branding
SEE MORE SEE LESS noun the act of wrestling
a struggle or tussle
Derived forms of wrestle wrestler , noun Word Origin for wrestle Old English wræstlian; related to Middle Dutch wrastelen (Dutch worstelen ), Old Norse rost current, race
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to wrestle contend, tussle, scuffle, grapple, tangle, strive, essay, combat, exert, work, fight, strain, battle, endeavor, grunt