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wraparoundor wrap-a·round [ rap-uh-round ] / ˈræp əˌraʊnd / SEE SYNONYMS FOR wraparound ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective(of a garment) made to fold around or across the body so that one side of the garment overlaps the other forming the closure. extending in a curve from the front around to the sides: a wraparound windshield. of, relating to, or arranged under a wraparound mortgage: wraparound financing. all-inclusive; comprehensive: a wraparound insurance plan. nouna wraparound object. outsert. Printing. a thin metal, plastic, or rubber plate made flat and then wrapped around a cylinder for printing on a rotary press. word wrap. British. book jacket. Origin of wraparoundFirst recorded in 1965–70; adj., noun use of verb phrase wrap around (something) Words nearby wraparoundwrangle, wrangler, WRANS, wrap, wrap account, wraparound, wraparound mortgage, wrapover, wrap party, wrapped, wrapped up in Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for wraparoundVargas proposes partnering with schools, which already have the access and trust of many families, to help provide wraparound services. New South Bay Supervisor’s To-Do List: Ensure an Equitable Recovery|Maya Srikrishnan|August 31, 2020|Voice of San Diego Maldonado said that for these families, there need to be more wraparound services when someone tests positive. Coronavirus Hit Latinos Harder Thanks to a Perfect Storm of Disparities|Maya Srikrishnan|August 12, 2020|Voice of San Diego Those come-hither, wraparound headlights beckoned me to open the door, which seemed as long as the car is wide. Sport coupe superstars|Joe Phillips|July 16, 2020|Washington Blade She wore a wraparound lab coat, and stood on a small centralized pedestal. Tilda Swinton and Oliver Saillard Perform the Creation of Fashion in ‘Eternity Dress’|Sarah Moroz|November 21, 2013|DAILY BEAST
British Dictionary definitions for wraparound
nouncomputing another name for word wrapping Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to wraparoundsmock, kimono, negligee, wrapper, housecoat, peignoir, dressing gown, morning dress, robe de chambre, yukata |