[ woo d -wurk ] SHOW IPA
noun objects or parts made of wood.
the interior wooden fittings, especially of a house, as doors, stairways, or moldings.
Idioms for woodworkcome out of the woodwork , Informal . to appear or materialize suddenly and unexpectedly: Since mortgage rates declined, prospective buyers have been coming out of the woodwork.
Origin of woodwork First recorded in 1640–50; wood1 + work
Words nearby woodwork woodwind, woodwinds, wood, woods, wood-wool, wood woollyfoot, woodwork , woodworker, woodworking, woodworm, woody, woodyard
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for woodwork We expect that a lot more women are going to come out of the woodwork who were done wrong by him.
“People want to believe”: How Love Fraud builds an absorbing docuseries around a romantic con man | Alissa Wilkinson| September 4, 2020| Vox
For whatever reason, summertime in New York is when all the ghosts of hip-hop past come out of the woodwork .
Where Have All the Fat Rappers Gone? Or, How Hip-Hop Lost All the Weight. | Emilia Petrarca| August 28, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Watch out for window frames and other woodwork picked out in shades of cream or gray-green.
'World' Players' Secret Getaway | William Underhill| July 17, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Before the leaks and girlfriends come out of the woodwork , spill it.
Weiner Should’ve Taken the Letterman Approach | Tricia Romano| June 13, 2011| DAILY BEAST
I was very eager to protect myself from opportunists who may have crawled out of the woodwork to make a quick buck.
Is Dr. Drew a Phony? | Duncan Roy| December 17, 2009| DAILY BEAST
It certainly looked and sounded like an affair—particularly after all the other women came out of the woodwork .
The Real Rachel Uchitel | Jacob Bernstein| December 15, 2009| DAILY BEAST
Gable, the upright triangular piece of masonry or woodwork at the end of a roof.
The Children of Westminster Abbey | Rose G. Kingsley
He complained that the work was unduly expensive for the reason that "the woodwork was all marble."
Fifth Avenue | Arthur Bartlett Maurice
The woodwork is about done, and I'll paint her first thing in the morning.
The Young Bridge-Tender | Arthur M. Winfield
A day may come when this much abused combination of woodwork and upholstery will be sought after.
Old Country Inns of England | Henry P. Maskell
He tears his house to pieces, sells the tiles of his roof, the bricks of his walls, the woodwork about his doors and windows.
Drugging a Nation | Samuel Merwin
British Dictionary definitions for woodwork noun the art, craft, or skill of making things in wood; carpentry
components made of wood, such as doors, staircases, etc
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to woodwork staircase, molding, paneling, stairway, finishing, fittings