In 2017, when its annual Agadir Open welcomed women competitors for the first time in its history, former digital visuals editor Mary Mathis was there to capture the moment.
“There have always been women warriors in northern China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and even Korea,” says Christine Lee.
Women like Mulan didn’t need to go to war in disguise|Bethany Brookshire|September 4, 2020|Science News For Students
A classic example involves claims that women are less competitive than men, and so the relatively small number of women CEOs is not a problem.
No, Animals Do Not Have Genders - Facts So Romantic|Cailin O'Connor|August 26, 2020|Nautilus
Lucas and Dlugacz were the top LGBTQ and top overall women fundraisers for Hillary Clinton in 2016, raising more than $4 million.
Power couple working to elect Biden|Peter Rosenstein|August 20, 2020|Washington Blade
They specialized in women artists, and its success grew out of her vision for a more diverse and inclusive music scene, which at the time of its founding in 1973 was dominated by men.
Power couple working to elect Biden|Peter Rosenstein|August 20, 2020|Washington Blade
In 2009, a Pakistani Christian woman got into a religious argument with some Muslim women with whom she was harvesting berries.
In Defense of Blasphemy|Michael Tomasky|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Even internally in the House, women are not getting their fair shake.
The Unbearable Whiteness of Congress|Dean Obeidallah|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Isolated lesbians learned that there were other women like them via books whose covers aimed to titillate heterosexual men.
How Pulp Fiction Saved Literature|Wendy Smith|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Even the hot Jewish women I mentioned above did something a bit more “intellectual” than pageantry: acting.
Why Was Bess Myerson the First and Last Jewish Miss America?|Emily Shire|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Many Jewish women have been accepted as conventional, mainstream hot.
Why Was Bess Myerson the First and Last Jewish Miss America?|Emily Shire|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The women and children were being hurried to the ships, and two ladies were hastening past my friend.
The Angel and the Author - and Others|Jerome K. Jerome
I'm in business—none of our women has ever been in business.
Contrary Mary|Temple Bailey
She was resigned to the appreciation of women only, and these had in their appreciation narrowness of mind, malignity, and envy.
The Red Lily, Complete|Anatole France
By the river some women, no larger in appearance than little dolls, were standing and washing.
A Russian Proprietor|Lyof N. Tolstoi
Yet women of the "new" immigrant groups enter domestic service much less than those from the "old" ones.