A thin man with a wisp of a goatee beard, he struggles with a stutter to explain what happened to him that day.
Photographs Expose Russian-Trained Killers in Kiev|Jamie Dettmer|March 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Susan took her horse there; loosened his girths, and rubbed him down with a wisp of straw.
Half a Life-time Ago|Elizabeth Gaskell
No—all gone; and my eyebrows and mustache, and every wisp of hair from my head.
The American Baron|James De Mille
It was only a wisp of motion, a mere flutter in the aspens, and as soon as Ted spotted it, he lost it.
Double Challenge|James Arthur Kjelgaard
Then turn round the horse in the stall, brush his head well, and wisp it clean and smooth with a damp lock of hay.
Mrs. Hale's Receipts for the Million|Sarah Josepha Hale
They, too, would receive a wisp of sweet hay willingly from the hand.
Hodge and His Masters|Richard Jefferies
British Dictionary definitions for wisp (1 of 2)
/ (wɪsp) /
a thin, light, delicate, or fibrous piece or strand, such as a streak of smoke or a lock of hair
a small bundle, as of hay or straw
anything slender and delicatea wisp of a girl
a mere suggestion or hint
a flock of birds, esp snipe
(intr often foll by away) to move or act like a wisp
(tr)mainlyBritishdialectto twist into a wisp
(tr)mainlyBritishto groom (a horse) with a wisp of straw, etc
Derived forms of wisp
wisplike, adjective
Word Origin for wisp
C14: variant of wips, of obscure origin; compare wipe
British Dictionary definitions for wisp (2 of 2)
/ (wɪsp) /
n acronym for
Wireless Information Service Provider: an internet service provider set up to deal with and deliver internet services to clients through wireless access points