

单词 wingsuit

Example sentences from the Web for wingsuit

  • Wingsuit pilot Joby Ogwyn has climbed — and flown off — the highest peaks on the planet.

    The Daily Beast’s Best Longreads, Dec 1-7, 2014|William Boot|December 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
  • And for wingsuit divers, the only way flight can be “real” is if one can land without a parachute.

    The High-Flying Secrets of BASE Jumpers|William O’Connor|August 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
  • One of those iconic divers was Clen Sohn from Lansing, Michigan, who was one of the first wingsuit users all the way back in 1935.

    The High-Flying Secrets of BASE Jumpers|William O’Connor|August 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST


/ (ˈwɪŋˌsuːt) /


a type of skydiving suit with fabric under the arms and between the legs enabling the wearer to reduce his or her rate of fall

Words nearby wingsuit

wing shooting, wing shot, wing skid, wingspan, wingspread, wingsuit, wing tip, wing-weary, wingy, win hands down, Winifred
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