Since the ACA limits insurers’ profit margins, adding that federal windfall to this year’s ledger might mean many insurers would have to pay out most of the money to their consumers.
Only three of 26 Obamacare-era nonprofit health insurance co-ops will soon remain|lbelanger225|September 6, 2020|Fortune
It generates tragedy, violence, and a windfall for undertakers.
Why Mexicans Are Enraged by Obama’s Big Tuesday Meeting|Ruben Navarrette Jr.|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
With some areas, the differences are stark in terms of where this windfall lands.
Trustafarians Want to Tell You How to Live|Joel Kotkin|October 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Is this ignorant and sanitized speech truly a windfall for feminism?
Lana Del Rey and the Fault in Our ‘Feminist’ Stars|Amy Zimmerman|June 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The Vatican reinvested about 60% of its windfall in government bonds.
How the Catholic Church Got in Bed with Mussolini|Jason Berry|February 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But then I learned about “glitching,” the exploitation of programming bugs that can provide a windfall of GTA money.
My Secret Life in Los Santos|Eli Lake|November 29, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Suddenly he halted and shrank into the shelter of a windfall.
Connie Morgan in the Lumber Camps|James B. Hendryx
But, at any rate, the news of Pincher's windfall was blurted far and wide, and his reputation rose accordingly.
Pincher Martin, O.D.|H. Taprell Dorling
The man who gets a windfall spends his days watching the wind.
The Call of the Twentieth Century|David Starr Jordan
Drew laughed and began sharing the windfall with the scouts.
Ride Proud, Rebel!|Andre Alice Norton
Bear-dens, Gougou was informed, might be found where there was a windfall.
The Cursed Patois|Mary Hartwell Catherwood
British Dictionary definitions for windfall
/ (ˈwɪndˌfɔːl) /
a piece of unexpected good fortune, esp financial gain
something blown down by the wind, esp a piece of fruit
mainlyUS and Canadiana plot of land covered with trees blown down by the wind
bonus, bonanza, gravy, godsend, fortune, find, pennies from heaven
Cultural definitions for windfall
An unexpected profit from a business or other source. The term connotes gaining huge profits without working for them — for example, when oil companies profit from a temporary scarcity of oil.