For my sake turn again to life and smile, nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do something to comfort other hearts than thine.
Obama: A Story of Resilience||September 12, 2011|DAILY BEAST
He was days nerving himself to make the call; but there was no alternative—it was either that or shut down.
The Man from the Bitter Roots|Caroline Lockhart
Nerving himself as though for a mighty effort, he pushed the door open and looked into the room beyond.
The Girl from Alsace|Burton Egbert Stevenson
She was nerving herself to make a confession that she had never made before, even to her father or her Aunt Alice.
All's Well|Emily Sarah Holt
I closed the door gently, and stole over toward the picture, half afraid of my task, yet nerving myself for the ordeal.
Gordon Craig|Randall Parrish
"That is—not, cannot be told in so few words," said Poppea, nerving herself with a visible effort.
Poppea of the Post-Office|Mabel Osgood Wright
/ (ˈnɜːvɪŋ) /
vet sciencesurgical removal of part of a nerve trunk, or the use of chemicals to block the nerve supply, to relieve pain; usually adminstered because of chronic and disabling inflammation