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[ ney-ber-lee ] / ˈneɪ bər li / SEE SYNONYMS FOR neighborly ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivehaving or showing qualities befitting a neighbor; friendly. Origin of neighborlyFirst recorded in 1515–25; neighbor + -ly OTHER WORDS FROM neighborlyneigh·bor·li·ness, nounun·neigh·bor·li·ness, nounun·neigh·bor·ly, adjectiveWords nearby neighborlyneigh, neighbor, neighborhood, neighborhood watch, neighboring, neighborly, neighbour, neighbourhood, neighbourhood warden, neighbourhood watch, neighbourly Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for neighborlyPaul is right that we must deal with the Bundy crisis in the spirit of neighborly forbearance. Cliven Bundy Is Angry—Just Like the Rest of Us|James Poulos|April 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST I can't be neighborly jest leavin' a card, or drinkin' tea with my gloves on—Yes, I will! Drusilla with a Million|Elizabeth Cooper Throckmorton went and came between Barn Elms and Millenbeck in the most natural and neighborly way in the world. Throckmorton|Molly Elliot Seawell Babbitt waved in neighborly affection, and slid on with the traffic as the policeman lifted his hand.
Maud Marchbanks and the Hendees were civil and neighborly enough at home, but they did not care to "ramify." Real Folks|Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney It is a neighborly time, and the long peaceful hours of work bring a sense of achievement. A Northern Countryside|Rosalind Richards
Words related to neighborlycordial, amiable, harmonious, hospitable, considerate, sociable, gracious, civil, companionable, cooperative, genial, gregarious, helpful, kind, obliging, social, well-disposed |