the area or region around or near some place or thing; vicinity: the kids of the neighborhood; located in the neighborhood of Jackson and Vine streets.
a district or locality, often with reference to its character or inhabitants: a fashionable neighborhood; to move to a nicer neighborhood.
a number of persons living near one another or in a particular locality: The whole neighborhood was there.
neighborly feeling or conduct.
nearness; proximity: to sense the neighborhood of trouble.
Mathematics. an open set that contains a given point.
Idioms for neighborhood
in the neighborhood of, approximately; nearly; about: She looks to be in the neighborhood of 70.
Origin of neighborhood
First recorded in 1400–50, neighborhood is from the late Middle English word neighborehode.See neighbor, -hood
These days, being a “Noma alum doing your own thing” is almost a cliche, but Puglisi was the first when he opened Relæ in 2010 in the residential neighborhood of Nørrebro.
Christian Puglisi Is Closing His Influential Copenhagen Restaurants. COVID Is Only Partly to Blame|Rafael Tonon|September 17, 2020|Eater
Those leaders, in turn, can uplift communities, right societal wrongs, build wealth for historically disenfranchised neighborhoods, and create quality jobs.
Opportunity Zones haven’t fully reached their potential, but don’t write them off yet|jakemeth|September 16, 2020|Fortune
Technically, the Set is both, and it’s become my do-everything pair, from running in the neighborhood to knocking out upriver miles on the paddleboard.
The Gear That Lets Me Enjoy the Last Days of Summer|Graham Averill|September 15, 2020|Outside Online
So whether you’re new to the sport or have been biking for years, your assignment this week is to go for a neighborhood ride, tackle some singletrack, or simply teach your kid how to ride a bike.
A 15-Week Exercise Plan for Kids and Families|Krista Langlois|September 12, 2020|Outside Online
A decade after kind-hearted billionaires like Charles and David Koch, Betsy Devos and John Walton have carved out niches for school choice, I have seen schools open and close in my neighborhood.
Our Public Schools Have a Customer Service Problem|Thomas Courtney|September 10, 2020|Voice of San Diego
A car mechanic who goes by the name “Big Perm” said he noticed a change in the neighborhood.
Ground Zero of the NYPD Slowdown|Batya Ungar-Sargon|January 1, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Does all this mean that a robo-Jurassic Park is coming soon to a neighborhood near you?