[ nek -lis ] SHOW IPA
noun a piece of jewelry consisting of a string of stones, beads, jewels, or the like, or a chain of gold, silver, or other metal, for wearing around the neck.
Origin of necklace 1580–90; neck + lace (in the sense “a cord or string to pull opposite ends together”)
Words nearby necklace necked, Necker, neckerchief, Necker cube, necking, necklace , necklace bomb, necklet, neckline, neck of the woods, neckpiece
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for necklace She hoped to fashion them into a necklace , she said, as a symbol of the pain she had endured.
Patients Screwed in Spine Surgery ‘Scam’ | The Center for Investigative Reporting| November 3, 2014| DAILY BEAST
At the time of her disappearance in 2009, Harrington was wearing a necklace that had been given to her by her mother.
The Girls Who Were Taken Before Hannah Graham | Michael Daly| September 30, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Of a necklace Rihanna was wearing, Rivers joked she had asked Rihanna how she felt about the choker.
Melissa Rivers: Life After Joan—A Funny, Moving Celebration on a Special 'Fashion Police' | Tim Teeman| September 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
As soon as he sees her, Shae reaches for a dagger, and Tyrion pounces on her, strangling her to death with her own necklace .
Life After ‘Game of Thrones’ Death: Where to See Your Favorite Dead Characters Next | Marlow Stern| June 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
As he reaches to pick one up, his star-shaped Malcolm X medallion clatters against his necklace of wooden beads.
The Stacks: The Neville Brothers Stake Their Claim as Bards of the Bayou | John Ed Bradley| April 27, 2014| DAILY BEAST
When the crowd leaves the temple, Dmtrios snatches the necklace from the statue and disappears.
The Complete Opera Book | Gustav Kobb
"A Caballero rich as that should give her a necklace of real pearls," said another.
Confessions Of Con Cregan | Charles James Lever
It is so important to know whether I lost the necklace up here or below.
The Motor Maids' School Days | Katherine Stokes
They gave Montcalm a necklace and he assured them that he would visit them in return.
Montreal 1535-1914 under the French Rgime | William Henry Atherton
Ayllon had the necklace with him in the slack of his doublet.
The Trail Book | Mary Austin
British Dictionary definitions for necklace noun a chain, band, or cord, often bearing beads, pearls, jewels, etc, worn around the neck as an ornament, esp by women
(in South Africa) a tyre soaked in petrol, placed round a person's neck, and set on fire in order to burn the person to death
verb (tr) Southern African to kill (someone) by placing a burning tyre round his or her neck
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to necklace strand, jewelry, choker, pendant, beads, string, pearls, locket, lavalliere, carcanet, riviere