The way San Pedro Prison functions is a necessity as a result, Bolivian journalist Aldo Medinaceli explained to me.
Cocaine, Politicians and Wives: Inside the World’s Most Bizarre Prison|Jason Batansky|October 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
That was galling for those who described the invasion of Iraq as a conflict of choice, not necessity.
The Rhinohawks Come Roaring Back|James Poulos|September 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Impress upon them the necessity of selecting capable officers.
The Boy and the Sunday School|John L. Alexander
By the necessity of our constitution a certain enthusiasm attends the individual's consciousness of that divine presence.
Essays, First Series|Ralph Waldo Emerson
First, the arts dealing with form, where its necessity is evident.
Essay on the Creative Imagination|Th. Ribot
This is not an abnormal action, but is of necessity, or asphyxia would instantly result and the runner would drop.
Scientific American Supplement No. 275|Various
This he fully admitted, but was not prepared to dispense with the necessity of an academical preparation.
Memoir and Diary of John Yeardley, Minister of the Gospel|John Yeardley
British Dictionary definitions for necessity
/ (nɪˈsɛsɪtɪ) /
(sometimes plural)something needed for a desired result; prerequisitenecessities of life
a condition or set of circumstances, such as physical laws or social rules, that inevitably requires a certain resultit is a matter of necessity to wear formal clothes when meeting the Queen
the state or quality of being obligatory or unavoidable
urgent requirement, as in an emergency or misfortunein time of necessity we must all work together
poverty or want
rarecompulsion through laws of nature; fate
a condition, principle, or conclusion that cannot be otherwise
the constraining force of physical determinants on all aspects of lifeCompare freedom (def. 8)
the property of being necessary
a statement asserting that some property is essential or statement is necessarily true
the operator that indicates that the expression it modifies is true in all possible worldsUsual symbol: □, ∟