As a place, it existed in my imagination long before I ever went there thanks to [Walt] Whitman and [Hart] Crane.
Dan Stevens Blows Up ‘Downton’: From Chubby-Cheeked Aristo to Lean, Mean American Psycho|Tim Teeman|September 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Faulkner, Whitman, and Dickinson did not labor in vain; their books live on, horizontally, stacked like bricks in a display case.
A Teacher Returns to the Classroom and Gets Schooled|Nick Romeo|September 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But in 2013, Whitman was one of more than 75 prominent conservatives who signed a legal brief opposing Prop 8.
Prop 8’s Conservative Fans: Where Are They Now?|Sally Kohn|June 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He could recite reams of Frost, Dickinson, Whitman, and Lowell, and he did so while I stood there, amazed.
GOP Hypocrisy: Outraged Over Benghazi, Silent on Iraq|Jay Parini|May 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The kind of description and attention to detail that Whitman employs is what puts the “literary” in literary journalism.
Jeff Sharlet’s ‘Radiant Truths’: How Religion Shaped American Literary Journalism|Jonathan D. Fitzgerald|May 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And we say, the Whitman massacre is the result of that influence.
A History of Oregon, 1792-1849|William Henry Gray
Mrs. Whitman joined the Presbyterian Church when a young girl of eleven.
How Marcus Whitman Saved Oregon|Oliver W. Nixon
Dr. Whitman gave the Chiefs a reprimand, and called it thieving, and demanded that they send back everything they had taken.
How Marcus Whitman Saved Oregon|Oliver W. Nixon
Whitman was as one crying in the wilderness, uncouth, unheeded save by the few.
A History of American Literature Since 1870|Fred Lewis Pattee
The questions which Whitman puts to him who would be an American poet may fairly be put to himself.
Whitman|John Burroughs
British Dictionary definitions for Whitman
/ (ˈwɪtmən) /
Walt (er). 1819–92, US poet, whose life's work is collected in Leaves of Grass (1855 and subsequent enlarged editions). His poems celebrate existence and the multiple elements that make up a democratic society