

单词 nassau


[ nas-aw; for 2, 3 also German nah-sou ]
/ ˈnæs ɔ; for 2, 3 also German ˈnɑ saʊ /


a seaport on New Providence Island: capital of the Bahamas; seaside resort.
a district in central Germany: formerly a duchy, now a part of Hesse.
a member of a European royal family that ruled chiefly in Germany and the Netherlands until the 19th century.
Golf. an eighteen-hole match in which one point each is awarded to the players having the lowest score for the first nine holes, for the second nine holes, and for the entire round.

Words nearby Nassau

nasopharynx, nasoscope, nasosinusitis, nasotracheal tube, Nass, Nassau, Nassau grouper, nassella tussock, Nassella Tussock Board, Nasser, Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for Nassau



(German ˈnasaʊ) a region of W central Germany: formerly a duchy (1816–66), from which a branch of the House of Orange arose (represented by the present rulers of the Netherlands and Luxembourg); annexed to the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau in 1866; corresponds to present-day W Hesse and NE Rhineland-Palatinate states
(ˈnæsɔː) the capital and chief port of the Bahamas, on the NE coast of New Providence Island: resort. Pop: 229 000 (2005 est)
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