Season: Whistler Blackcomb is generally open from late November through late April.
Olympians Dish on Their Favorite Spots to Ski & Snowboard|The Daily Beast|October 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
From Vancouver, Whistler is a two-hour drive; bus and train transfers are available.
Olympians Dish on Their Favorite Spots to Ski & Snowboard|The Daily Beast|October 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He could come off as simply out of touch, like a critic reared on Whistler going after Picasso.
Blake Gopnik on the Death of Art Critic Robert Hughes|Blake Gopnik|August 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Celluloid is to Dean what oil paint is to Titian or etching to Whistler.
Tacita Dean: One of Today’s 10 Most Important Artists|Blake Gopnik|June 5, 2011|DAILY BEAST
When afterwards we called, Whistler refused to come, and it was well he did.
The Life of James McNeill Whistler|Elizabeth Robins Pennell
Mr. Way appealed to Whistler, who tried the stone, grasped its possibilities, and was delighted.
The Life of James McNeill Whistler|Elizabeth Robins Pennell
Whistler slept badly, and Mr. Landor can do with less sleep than most people.
The Life of James McNeill Whistler|Elizabeth Robins Pennell
Mr. Ruskin entertaining those views, it was not wonderful that his attention should be attracted to Mr. Whistler's pictures.
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies|James McNeill Whistler
"Where the artist is, there you will find art," said Whistler.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great Philosophers, Volume 8|Elbert Hubbard
British Dictionary definitions for whistler (1 of 2)
/ (ˈwɪslə) /
a person or thing that whistles
radioan atmospheric disturbance picked up by radio receivers, characterized by a whistling sound of decreasing pitch. It is caused by the electromagnetic radiation produced by lightning
any of various birds having a whistling call, such as certain Australian flycatchers and the goldeneyeSee also thickhead (def. 2)
any of various North American marmots of the genus Marmota, esp M. caligata (hoary marmot)
vet sciencea horse affected with an abnormal respiratory noise, resembling whistling
informala referee
British Dictionary definitions for whistler (2 of 2)
/ (ˈwɪslə) /
James Abbott McNeill. 1834–1903, US painter and etcher, living in Europe. He is best known for his sequence of nocturnes and his portraits