

单词 whig


[ hwig, wig ]
/ ʰwɪg, wɪg /

verb (used without object), whigged, whig·ging.Scot.

to move along briskly.

Origin of whig

1660–70; perhaps Scots variant of dial. fig to move briskly; see fidget

Words nearby whig

whiffet, whiffle, whiffler, whiffletree, whiffy, whig, Whiggish, Whiggism, whigmaleerie, whigmaleery, Whig party

Definition for whig (2 of 2)

[ hwig, wig ]
/ ʰwɪg, wɪg /


American History.
  1. a member of the patriotic party during the Revolutionary period; supporter of the Revolution.
  2. a member of a political party (c1834–1855) that was formed in opposition to the Democratic Party, and favored economic expansion and a high protective tariff, while opposing the strength of the presidency in relation to the legislature.
British Politics.
  1. a member of a major political party (1679–1832) in Great Britain that held liberal principles and favored reforms: later called the Liberal party.
  2. (in later use) one of the more conservative members of the Liberal party.


being a Whig.
of, relating to, or characteristic of the Whigs.

Origin of Whig

1635–45; earlier, a Covenanter, hence an opponent of the accession of James II; of uncertain origin, though probably in part a shortening of whiggamaire (later whiggamore), a participant in the Whiggamore Raid a march against the royalists in Edinburgh launched by Covenanters in 1648 (said to represent whig to spur on (cf. whig) + mairemare1)


pro-Whig, adjective
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for whig

/ (wɪɡ) /



of, characteristic of, or relating to Whigs

Derived forms of Whig

Whiggery or Whiggism, nounWhiggish, adjectiveWhiggishly, adverbWhiggishness, noun

Word Origin for Whig

C17: probably shortened from whiggamore, one of a group of 17th-century Scottish rebels who joined in an attack on Edinburgh known as the whiggamore raid; probably from Scottish whig to drive (of obscure origin) + more, mer, maire horse, mare 1
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