(a word of kindly greeting, as to one whose arrival gives pleasure): Welcome, stranger!
a kindly greeting or reception, as to one whose arrival gives pleasure: to give someone a warm welcome.
verb (used with object),wel·comed,wel·com·ing.
to greet the arrival of (a person, guests, etc.) with pleasure or kindly courtesy.
to receive or accept with pleasure; regard as pleasant or good: to welcome a change.
to meet, accept, or receive (an action, challenge, person, etc.) in a specified, especially unfriendly, manner: They welcomed him with hisses and catcalls.
gladly received, as one whose arrival gives pleasure: a welcome visitor.
agreeable, as something arriving, occurring, or experienced: a welcome rest.
given full right by the cordial consent of others: She is welcome to try it.
without obligation for the courtesy, favor, or service received (used as a conventional response to expressions of thanks): You're quite welcome; I'm glad you like the gift.He thanked me, and I told him he was welcome.
Idioms for welcome
wear out one's welcome, to make one's visits so frequent or of such long duration that they become offensive: Your cousins have long since worn out their welcome.
Origin of welcome
before 900; Middle English <Scandinavian; compare Old Norse velkominn, equivalent to velwell1 + kominncome (past participle); replacing Old English wilcuma one who is welcome, equivalent to wil- welcome (see will2) + cuma comer
historical usage of welcome
The seemingly timeless phrase “You are welcome” —usually shortened to “You're welcome” —as a response to “Thank you” is actually quite recent. The phrase does not appear to have been used with any regularity until the 19th century. By the early 20th century, however, it was well established in the United States (less so in Britain) as the customary and polite way to acknowledge thanks for a favor or service, recommended in etiquette guides and taught to children along with “Please” and “Thank you.” But the phrase “You're welcome" has always existed alongside a host of other possible responses to a thank-you, ranging from a casual “Sure” or “Any time” to more elaborate expressions like “You're quite welcome” or “My pleasure; I'm happy to help.” There is even a reciprocal thank-you: Thank you for coming to my party. Thank you for inviting me. Toward the end of the 20th century, especially among younger people and in very informal situations, it became popular to respond with a breezy “No problem”— a phrase that, though well received in some situations, can come across as flippant and dismissive of the other person's expression of gratitude. Many different forms of expression can be appropriate for acknowledging thanks for a favor or service in different circumstances; but among the varied expressions, the one that is always gracious remains the classic “You're welcome.”
wel·come·ness,nounwel·com·er,nounpre·wel·come,noun,verb (used with object),pre·wel·comed,pre·wel·com·ing.un·wel·come,adjective
With growing momentum to isolate Israel internationally, talks for the sake of talks are an unwelcomed distraction.
The Problem with the Process|Yousef Munayyer|August 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
“We feel visible and invisible, powerful and powerless, loved and despised, welcomed and unwelcomed,” Hinojosa says.
Meet the Fútbol Moms|Bryan Curtis|July 18, 2011|DAILY BEAST
An alien in his own land and unwelcomed of any, Jason sought the good priest and learned the fate of Maud.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XII, No. 29. August, 1873.|Various
Very little of this life is enjoyed without the unwelcomed flies that spoil the precious ointment.
The Harris-Ingram Experiment|Charles E. Bolton
He would have been the legal guardian of an heiress, instead of the provider for an unwelcomed child of poverty.
Beyond the Frontier|Randall Parrish
The Chinese is an unwelcomed alien in Mongolia, and he knows it.
A Wayfarer in China|Elizabeth Kendall
I had no quarrel with the two unmannerly cads who had forced themselves uninvited and unwelcomed upon my privacy.
British Secret Service During the Great War|Nicholas Everitt
British Dictionary definitions for welcome
/ (ˈwɛlkəm) /
gladly and cordially received or admitteda welcome guest
bringing pleasure or gratitudea welcome gift
freely permitted or invitedyou are welcome to call
under no obligation (only in such phrases as you're welcome or he's welcome, as conventional responses to thanks)
sentence substitute
an expression of cordial greeting, esp to a person whose arrival is desired or pleasing
the act of greeting or receiving a person or thing; receptionthe new theory had a cool welcome
wear out one's welcometo come more often or stay longer than is acceptable or pleasing
to greet the arrival of (visitors, guests, etc) cordially or gladly
to receive or accept, esp gladly
Derived forms of welcome
welcomely, adverbwelcomeness, nounwelcomer, noun
Word Origin for welcome
C12: changed (through influence of well1) from Old English wilcuma (agent noun referring to a welcome guest), wilcume (a greeting of welcome), from wilwill ² + cuman to come