1600–10; earlier mosquee<Middle French <Italian moschea ≪ Arabic masjid, derivative of sajada to worship, literally, prostrate oneself; the -ee seems to have been taken as diminutive suffix and dropped
"Women do not take any part in the public worship on the floor of the mosque," said the guide.
A Trip to the Orient|Robert Urie Jacob
The minaret of the mosque of the Sultan Kalan at Cairo is perhaps the most splendid of all contemporary works.
In the Land of Mosques & Minarets|Francis Miltoun
The principal Mosque is also of peculiar interest, and presents an architectural problem which has never been quite fully solved.
The Cradle of Mankind|W.A. Wigram
British Dictionary definitions for mosque
/ (mɒsk) /
a Muslim place of worship, usually having one or more minarets and often decorated with elaborate tracery and texts from the KoranAlso called: masjid, musjid
Word Origin for mosque
C14: earlier mosquee, from Old French via Italian moschea, ultimately from Arabic masjid temple, place of prostration