No moralist contends that one who has received a favor from a public woman is under obligation to become her husband.
The Brothers' War|John Calvin Reed
What the moralist asks is, Shall we gain or lose by surrendering human life to the relative spirit?
English Critical Essays|Various
The contention that the stories are creepy is but the contention of a moralist.
Literature for Children|Orton Lowe
A moralist he must be, if his work is to have any far-reaching significance, any final value.
Inquiries and Opinions|Brander Matthews
British Dictionary definitions for moralist
/ (ˈmɒrəlɪst) /
a person who seeks to regulate the morals of others or to imbue others with a sense of morality
a person who lives in accordance with moral principles
a philosopher who is concerned with casuistic discussions of right action, or who seeks a general characterization of right action, often contrasted with a moral philosopher whose concern is with general philosophical questions about ethics