You don’t want to start coming up with a plan when the vaccine is sitting in a warehouse.
What would it actually take to have a COVID-19 vaccine by November?|Kate Baggaley|September 4, 2020|Popular Science
When the mortgage is funded, the paper records get boxed, stamped with a bar code, and go into the lender’s warehouse.
First he took energy trading and the NYSE electronic. Now Jeff Sprecher of ICE shares his plans to digitize your mortgage|Shawn Tully|September 2, 2020|Fortune
The purpose of hanging phones in trees is to trick Amazon’s dispatch mechanism into believing the drivers are closer to a warehouse or store than they really are.
The bizarre reason Amazon drivers are hanging phones in trees near Whole Foods|Jeff|September 1, 2020|Fortune
Amazon and its warehouse workers have a history of clashing.
After public outcry, Amazon deletes listings for 2 intelligence jobs that involved tracking ‘labor organizing threats’|rhhackettfortune|September 1, 2020|Fortune
The reason that e-commerce is so expensive, he said, is because of the warehouse costs and the costs of human labor, which also has a lot of inefficiencies.
‘E-commerce is expensive’: How invisible technology and infrastructure overhauls will save retail|Kayleigh Barber|August 31, 2020|Digiday
But much of that gear went missing from the warehouse before the Kiev unit ever saw action.
Corruption Eats Away at Ukraine Military|Charles McPhedran|October 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The school itself could easily be mistaken for a warehouse or a big box national retail chain.
Native American Basketball Team in Wyoming Have Hoop Dreams Of Their Own|Robert Silverman|August 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The next step was to steal one of the six pound tuna cans from the warehouse.
Tales of a Jailhouse Gourmet: How I learned to Cook in Prison|Daniel Genis|June 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Warehouse farms might be the answer to the global food crisis.
America’s Next Agricultural Revolution Will Happen Indoors|Sarah Kunst|April 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I worked in a warehouse packing surf supplies, a restaurant washing dishes, in retail, and I was a “sandwich artist” at Subway.
Margot Robbie on ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ and the Perils of Having Sex On Top of a Pile of Cash|Marlow Stern|January 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They are then packed according to their number, in bags, and carried into the warehouse.
Travels Through North America, v. 1-2|Berhard Saxe-Weimar Eisenach
We are approaching the warehouse now and we must not 23let the watchmen see us.
Billy Whiskers' Adventures|Frances Trego Montgomery
A warehouse of facts, with poet and liar in joint ownership.
The Devil's Dictionary|Ambrose Bierce
It was up three flights of stairs backward, at an Italian warehouse.
Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin; Written by Himself. [Vol. 1 of 2]|Benjamin Franklin
Mr. Jarvis accepted the papers which his junior passed him, and departed into the warehouse.
The Lighted Way|E. Phillips Oppenheim
British Dictionary definitions for warehouse
noun (ˈwɛəˌhaʊs)
a place where goods are stored prior to their use, distribution, or sale
See bonded warehouse
mainlyBritisha large commercial, esp wholesale, establishment
verb (ˈwɛəˌhaʊz, -ˌhaʊs)
(tr)to store or place in a warehouse, esp a bonded warehouse