Customers nonetheless took to Twitter to vent about the latest delays, and mock Robinhood’s performance.
Robinhood app stumbles amid surge in Apple, Tesla trading volume|Jeff|September 1, 2020|Fortune
It was transformed into a “mock marketplace… with everything from Andy Warhol shopping bags screen printed with Campbell’s Soup cans, to Tom Wesselman plastic turkeys to illustrate the ideals of the American consumption,” she says.
Summer Is Forever With This Corn-on-the-Cob Chair|Emma Orlow|August 28, 2020|Eater
Four months after NASA chose three teams as finalists, one of the teams, led by Jeff Bezos’ rocket company Blue Origin, on Thursday delivered a 40-foot tall mock-up lander to the space agency for testing.
Here’s what NASA’s next moon lander may look like|Aaron Pressman|August 21, 2020|Fortune
Locals wound up crowding the park and shouting obscenities and mocking officials.
Morning Report: Rural Districts Still Scrambling to Prepare for Online Learning|Voice of San Diego|August 12, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Thompson mocked up multiple versions and tested how people interpreted them with help from the Science News staff plus some college roommates.
Data visualizations turn numbers into a story|Nancy Shute|August 3, 2020|Science News
Satirists are reliant ultimately on the very establishment they mock.
Harry Shearer on The Dangerous Business of Satire|Lloyd Grove|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Dogs were used in the interrogations, and the accused were subjected to mock executions.
The Myth of the Central Park Five|Edward Conlon|October 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Despite the lack of an immediate impact, the mock vote infused the practice of democracy into the lives of Hongkongers.
Is Hong Kong Tiananmen 2.0?|Brendon Hong|September 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This year, Hongkongers participated in PopVote, a mock referendum that gathered nearly 800,000 votes via smartphone ballots.
Is Hong Kong Tiananmen 2.0?|Brendon Hong|September 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Akbar used his time on the stand to mock Kimberlin some more.
The Weirdest Story About a Conservative Obsession, a Convicted Bomber, and Taylor Swift You Have Ever Read|David Weigel|August 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“Oh, pray take a glass with the young gentleman,” said Captain Bradshaw, with mock politeness.
The King's Own|Captain Frederick Marryat
I only say this, Madame Flamingo, to prove to you that Grouski is none of your mock articles.
An Outcast|F. Colburn Adams
One day the troops were marched to Chantilly and exercised in a mock battle.
Company G|A. R. (Albert Rowe) Barlow
With mock respect he gave advice and bowed before his officer.
Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House)|James S. De Benneville
Physical distress “is his mock and scorn; mental no man can give; and if Heaven inflicts it, all such distress is a mercy.”
William Blake|Algernon Charles Swinburne
British Dictionary definitions for mock
/ (mɒk) /
(when intr, often foll by at) to behave with scorn or contempt (towards); show ridicule (for)
(tr)to imitate, esp in fun; mimic
(tr)to deceive, disappoint, or delude
(tr)to defy or frustratethe team mocked the visitors' attempt to score
the act of mocking
a person or thing mocked
a counterfeit; imitation
(often plural)informal(in England and Wales) the school examinations taken as practice before public examinations
sham or counterfeit
serving as an imitation or substitute, esp for practice purposesa mock battle; mock finals