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[ mis-hap, mis-hap ] / ˈmɪs hæp, mɪsˈhæp / SEE SYNONYMS FOR mishap ON THESAURUS.COM
Origin of mishapMiddle English word dating back to 1300–50; see origin at mis-1, hap1 SYNONYMS FOR mishapmisadventure, mischance. SEE SYNONYMS FOR mishap ON THESAURUS.COM Words nearby mishapmisgovern, misguide, misguided, mishandle, mishanter, mishap, Mishawaka, mishear, mishegaas, Mishima, mishit Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for mishapAt the very least, the damage amounts to what the Air Force calls a Class A mishap, which causes more than $2 million in damage. America’s $400 Billion Stealth Jet Fleet Is Grounded|Dave Majumdar|June 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST This is not the only mishap that the McDaniel campaign has experienced in the past 48 hours. Mississippi Tea Party Goes Watergate|Ben Jacobs|June 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST Whatever the cause, whether hostile fire or mishap or anything else, the tragic result was the same. Death Benefit Scandal Is the Government Shutdown’s Ultimate Insult|Michael Daly|October 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST After NASDAQ shut down for a period of time on Thursday, its CEO went on CNBC to try and defend its response to the mishap. NASDAQ CEO Greifeld Speaks Out|CNBC|August 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
While local and national officials traded barbs over who screwed up in Rio, Francis made the most of the mishap. ‘Viva Papa Francisco!’ Brazil Celebrates Pope’s Trip|Mac Margolis|July 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST The sympathising villagers emptied a hut for him to rest in, and when morning came escorted him to the scene of his mishap. Bengal Dacoits and Tigers|Maharanee Sunity Devee Letty ran off and the two ladies discussed every detail of Christophers mishap, and how seriously it might have turned out. Letty and the Twins|Helen Sherman Griffith The little girls and their attendant saw the mishap, and ran screaming toward some men who were at work at no great distance. Mildred and Elsie|Martha Finley But they were powerful swimmers, and, but for the nearness of the rapids, they could have afforded to laugh at their mishap. The Hunters of the Ozark|Edward S. Ellis The 'Dauntless' had been named, but Mr. Gordon Bennett declined to sail owing to some mishap which had befallen her.
British Dictionary definitions for mishap
nounan unfortunate accident bad luck Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to mishapmisfortune, disaster, setback, blunder, calamity, hazard, pileup, mistake, blow, smash, misadventure, collision, fluke, total, fender-bender, smashup, rear-ender |