Encouraged by a friend, I wrote and asked if, while she stayed with us, the justice might consider officiating over a brief ceremony to renew our marriage vows.
The Notorious RBG|Ted Osius|September 19, 2020|Washington Blade
As major drug companies prepare a public vow to adhere to the most rigorous vaccine safety standards, watch for a fringe-driven conversation against vaccines to accelerate.
American Fringes: How the Media Makes it Worse|Nick Fouriezos|September 7, 2020|Ozy
Katelyn Stanis, owner of vow writing company Wedding Words, had to cut her own guest list down from 100 to 15.
How to update your guests about your pandemic wedding plans|Brooke Henderson|August 29, 2020|Fortune
In addition to being a part of the strange club of 2020 brides, Stanis knows what it’s like to be on both sides of the bridal party––after all, she’s a professional wedding vow and speechwriter.
How to turn down a wedding invitation during the coronavirus pandemic|Brooke Henderson|August 23, 2020|Fortune
Kenyatta made a Bush-like vow to continue the war on Al-Shabab, saying, “We will not flinch.”
He made the vow on June 30, and I remember thinking at the time how strange it seemed.
Immigration Reform? Not Until Hillary|Michael Tomasky|September 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Hamas spokesmen stand by the hospital gates and denounce the attack on Al Shejaiya as a massacre and vow to fight on.
Palestinians Fleeing Israeli Bombardment in Gaza Have ‘Nowhere Left to Run’|Jesse Rosenfeld|July 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Everything he stands for at the moment, and his soaring popularity in Russia, hinges on his vow to protect Russian speakers.
Is This the Day Odessa Explodes?|Will Cathcart|May 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They vow to meet after the war--home by Christmas--for a reunion at their Berlin bar.
‘Generation War’ Lets World War II Germans Off Too Easily|Jack Schwartz|January 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Some time in the years to come a Man would claim her, and against that time he taught her the vow that Ruth made to Naomi.
Comrade Yetta|Albert Edwards
But we took the one the Imp had caught back to the pond, and, as we put it in, made a vow not to keep newts again.
Pond and Stream|Arthur Ransome
They will become tense as the father is telling her of his vow.
The Reconstructed School|Francis B. Pearson
He could think of nothing save the vow he had made to his wife before he left her.
Legends & Romances of Brittany|Lewis Spence
They came under a vow of obedience unto Him; He came under a vow of obedience unto death, even the death of the Cross.
Expositor's Bible: The Gospel of Matthew|John Monro Gibson
British Dictionary definitions for vow
/ (vaʊ) /
a solemn or earnest pledge or promise binding the person making it to perform a specified act or behave in a certain way
a solemn promise made to a deity or saint, by which the promiser pledges himself to some future act, course of action, or way of life
take vowsto enter a religious order and commit oneself to its rule of life by the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, which may be taken for a limited period as simple vows or as a perpetual and still more solemn commitment as solemn vows
(tr; may take a clause as object or an infinitive)to pledge, promise, or undertake solemnlyhe vowed that he would continue; he vowed to return
(tr)to dedicate or consecrate to God, a deity, or a saint
(tr; usually takes a clause as object)to assert or swear emphatically
(intr)archaicto declare solemnly
Derived forms of vow
vower, nounvowless, adjective
Word Origin for vow
C13: from Old French vou, from Latin vōtum a solemn promise, from vovēre to vow
How Do I Write Unique Vows?Dearly beloved … If you don’t want your guests to automatically fill in the blanks with the same wedding vows they’ve heard hundreds of times, you may want to write your own. Unique vows can add an extra-special touch, but the process of writing them is also loaded with landmines.