USTR hurled an even bigger tariff volley — and so it went until the end of 2019, when the administration delayed a new round of consumer goods tariffs set to go into effect right before Christmas.
Robert Lighthizer Blew Up 60 Years of Trade Policy. Nobody Knows What Happens Next.|by Lydia DePillis|October 13, 2020|ProPublica
The man then was seen crawling toward a dropped stun gun and pointing at the officers, who apparently once again fearing for their lives, fired a volley of shots.
4 Houston Cops Who Shot And Killed Nicolas Chavez Fired|Hope Wright|September 11, 2020|
An initial volley of missiles killed five people in the home, and 10 minutes later a second volley killed up to 11 rescuers.
Obama’s Deadly Informants: The Drone Spotters of Pakistan|Umar Farooq, Syed Fakhar Kakakhel|November 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But given the volley of claim and counterclaim, it seems unlikely that this will, in fact, be the final exchange.
Woody Allen Fires Back: Dylan Farrow Was Brainwashed By Her Mother, Mia Farrow|Tim Teeman|February 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
That, it appears, is the first volley in what will inevitably become a protracted conflict.
An Unauthorized Book Leaks and Roger Ailes's Team Prepares for War|Lloyd Grove|January 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Did Sen. Elizabeth Warren sound the first volley of a 2016 campaign Sunday?
What’s Elizabeth Warren Up To Now?|Daniel Gross|September 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Another associate, German Gorbuntsov, narrowly survived a volley of shots in London last March.
Russian Corruption is Poisoning Britain|David Frum|April 4, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Joe Rix blinked once more, caught his breath, and fired his volley.
Gunman's Reckoning|Max Brand
In the moment of surprise each side let fly with a volley, and Howe fell instantly, shot through the heart.
Fort Amity|Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
Their first volley, coming from such an unexpected quarter, created a great commotion.
The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson|Edward A. Moore
Give them a volley from your pistols as they range alongside, and then trust to cold steel for the rest.
The Pirate Slaver|Harry Collingwood
Volley after volley thundered down upon them as they climbed, but not once did the dodging charge up the slope pause or falter.
The Master of Appleby|Francis Lynde
British Dictionary definitions for volley
/ (ˈvɒlɪ) /
the simultaneous discharge of several weapons, esp firearms
the projectiles or missiles so discharged
a burst of oaths, protests, etc, occurring simultaneously or in rapid succession
sporta stroke, shot, or kick at a moving ball before it hits the groundCompare half volley
cricketthe flight of such a ball or the ball itself
the simultaneous explosion of several blastings of rock
to discharge (weapons, etc) in or as if in a volley or (of weapons, etc) to be discharged
(tr)to utter vehemently or sound loudly and continuously
(tr)sportto strike or kick (a moving ball) before it hits the ground
(intr)to issue or move rapidly or indiscriminately
Derived forms of volley
volleyer, noun
Word Origin for volley
C16: from French volée a flight, from voler to fly, from Latin volāre
The bursting forth of many things together, such as a synchronous group of impulses induced simultaneously by artificial stimulation of either nerve fibers or muscle fibers.