the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures, especially of human beings in speaking, shouting, singing, etc.
the faculty or power of uttering sounds through the mouth by the controlled expulsion of air; speech: to lose one's voice.
a range of such sounds distinctive to one person, or to a type of person or animal: Her voice is commanding.
the condition or effectiveness of the voice for speaking or singing: to be in poor voice.
a sound likened to or resembling vocal utterance: the voice of the wind.
something likened to speech as conveying impressions to the mind: the voice of nature.
expression in spoken or written words, or by other means: to give voice to one's disapproval by a letter.
the right to present and receive consideration of one's desires or opinions: We were given no voice in the election.
an expressed opinion or choice: a voice for compromise.
an expressed will or desire: the voice of the people.
expressed wish or injunction: obedient to the voice of God.
the person or other agency through which something is expressed or revealed: a warning that proved to be the voice of prophecy.
a singer: one of our best voices.
a voice part: a score for piano and voice.
Phonetics. the audible result of phonation and resonance.
a set of categories for which the verb is inflected in some languages, as Latin, and which is typically used to indicate the relation of the verbal action to the subject as performer, undergoer, or beneficiary of its action.
a set of syntactic devices in some languages, as English, that is similar to this set in function.
any of the categories of these sets: the English passive voice; the Greek middle voice.
the finer regulation, as of intensity and color, in tuning, especially of a piano or organ.
verb (used with object),voiced,voic·ing.
to give utterance or expression to; declare; proclaim: to voice one's discontent.
to regulate the tone of, as the pipes of an organ.
to write the voice parts for (music).
to utter with the voice.
Phonetics. to pronounce with glottal vibration.
to interpret from sign language into spoken language.
Computers. of or relating to the use of human or synthesized speech: voice-data entry; voice output.
Telecommunications. of or relating to the transmission of speech or data over media designed for the transmission of speech: voice-grade channel; voice-data network.
WATCH NOW: How Do You Fix Passive Voice In A Sentence?
What is "passive voice" and why exactly should we never use it?
Idioms for voice
the still, small voice, the conscience: He was only occasionally troubled by the still, small voice.
with one voice, in accord; unanimously: They arose and with one voice acclaimed the new president.
Origin of voice
First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English, (noun) from Anglo-French voiz, voice or directly from Old French voiz, vois, from Latin vōcem, accusative of vōx; akin to vocāre “to call,” Greek óps “voice,” épos “word” (see epic), Sanskrit vakti “(he) speaks”
5 cry, call.
11 order, command.
12 mouthpiece, organ.
13 vocalist.
18 reveal, disclose, divulge, publish.
voicer,nounoutvoice,verb (used with object),out·voiced,out·voic·ing.un·der·voice,noun
I’m going to do what I can to change, to lobby and use my voice on behalf of some of these changes.
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The increasing usage of voice search and voice-enabled devices also offers an opportunity for consumer brands to make it easier than ever for customers to find their products.
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Growing up in Texas, Priya Tahim felt like she didn’t have a voice.
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Honoring our grandparents is important and it’s great to have your voice be a part of this conversation.
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In Hurston’s book, power is shown through who is given a voice.
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When he does, here is a gentleness in his voice, a reflective and lovely quality that no movie he has been in has ever captured.
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The Millennial Action Project (MAP) seeks to engage young people in politics and give them more of a voice in governing.
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“He is borrowing my voice to tell you this story,” she told the crowd.
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But we also live with healing, with love, with activism, with a voice.
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“[Writing was] the only way I could get people to listen to me without wondering what was wrong with my voice,” he told the Times.
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Stevens lowered his voice, and stopped to peer again about the bush.
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Then he endeavoured to hum a tune; but his voice seemed to choke him.
The Mysteries of London, v. 1/4|George W. M. Reynolds
He has caused His voice to be heard in this dark and sinful world.
The Assembly of God|C. (Charles) H. (Henry) Mackintosh
The voice from the head of the table was one of controlled impatience.
Flamsted quarries|Mary E. Waller
The voice that calls foreign immigrants southward to-day is not single but double.
The Negro in the South|Booker T. Washington
British Dictionary definitions for voice
/ (vɔɪs) /
the sound made by the vibration of the vocal cords, esp when modified by the resonant effect of the tongue and mouthSee also speech Related adjective: vocal
the natural and distinctive tone of the speech sounds characteristic of a particular personnobody could mistake his voice
the condition, quality, effectiveness, or tone of such soundsa hysterical voice
the musical sound of a singing voice, with respect to its quality or toneshe has a lovely voice
the ability to speak, sing, etche has lost his voice
a sound resembling or suggestive of vocal utterancethe voice of the sea; the voice of hard experience
written or spoken expression, as of feeling, opinion, etc (esp in the phrase give voice to)
a stated choice, wish, or opinion or the power or right to have an opinion heard and consideredto give someone a voice in a decision
an agency through which is communicated another's purpose, policy, etcsuch groups are the voice of our enemies
musical notes produced by vibrations of the vocal cords at various frequencies and in certain registersa tenor voice
(in harmony) an independent melodic line or parta fugue in five voices
phoneticsthe sound characterizing the articulation of several speech sounds, including all vowels or sonants, that is produced when the vocal cords make loose contact with each other and are set in vibration by the breath as it forces its way through the glottis
grammara category of the verb or verbal inflections that expresses whether the relation between the subject and the verb is that of agent and action, action and recipient, or some other relationSee active (def. 5), passive (def. 5), middle (def. 5)
(foll by of)obsoletefame; renown
in voicein a condition to sing or speak well
out of voicewith the voice temporarily in a poor condition, esp for singing
with one voiceunanimously
to utter in words; give expression toto voice a complaint
to articulate (a speech sound) with voice
musicto adjust (a wind instrument or organ pipe) so that it conforms to the correct standards of tone colour, pitch, etc
to provide the voice for (a puppet or cartoon character) in an animated film