释义 |
nounan intermediate position, area, or recourse between two opposites or extremes; a halfway or neutral standpoint. middle distance (def. 1). Nautical. a length of comparatively shallow water having channels on both sides. Origin of middle groundFirst recorded in 1775–85 Words nearby middle groundmiddle finger, Middle Flemish, Middle French, middle game, Middle Greek, middle ground, middle guard, middlehand, Middle High German, middle-income, Middle Iranian Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for middle ground“I have chosen a ‘middle-ground’ method of moderation, a sort of behind-the-scenes prodding,” he wrote in a posting. You Can Look It Up: The Wikipedia Story|Walter Isaacson|October 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST The latest research suggests a middle-ground, and it's worth looking at what they were trading. Every Viking ‘Fact’ Is Wrong|Nico Hines|March 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST This McClatchy-Marist poll tells us that a middle-ground approach would be popular across the board. How Republicans Are Duping Members of Their Own Party|Michael Tomasky|December 13, 2012|DAILY BEAST Then the work passes to the middle-ground painters, who have their half-tone pots within easy reach. Amos Kilbright; His Adscititious Experiences|Frank R. Stockton
Between these two points is no middle-ground, either in the fields of Art or of Religion. Garden-Craft Old and New|John D. Sedding And yet I return to a prior stand-point and insist that there is a middle-ground, even here, the juste milieu, as the French say. The American Gentleman's Guide to Politeness and Fashion|Henry Lunettes It would be difficult to find a middle-ground and distance surpassing those of this picture. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, June 1844|Various An island has formed and is still growing near the mouth of the Wang-poo, known to pilots as the "middle-ground." The Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg,|Alexander Michie
British Dictionary definitions for middle ground
nounanother term for middle distanceSee middle-distance (def. 2) a position of compromise between two opposing views, parties, etc Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to middle groundcenter, golden mean, happy medium, middle of the road, centrism, interface |