That would bring new vigor to the fight for school choice, starting with DeVos’ $5 billion tax credit to back privately funded school voucher programs, which support students opting out of traditional public schools for private or parochial schools.
Sunday Magazine: Go Inside Trump’s Second Term|Daniel Malloy|August 23, 2020|Ozy
She speaks with vigor about her projects, pointing out her favorite pieces in the museum and library.
Brooklyn’s Museum of Death: Inside Morbid Anatomy’s House of Intriguing Horrors|Nina Strochlic|July 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It condenses pain into tiny joke pellets, like a mass-immunization that builds tolerance and vigor.
Young Muslim Comic Takes On Fundamentalists|Moral Courage|May 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Like John Kennedy in 1960, he combined youth, vigor, and good looks with the promise of political change.
The Heart and Soul of ‘Glamour’|Virginia Postrel|November 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST
His 1965 book, A Thousand Days, retains its vigor, and has never been excelled as a study of those years.
The Man with the President’s Ear, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and JFK|Ted Widmer|October 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST
It would seem that for all of its ostensible lack of vim and vigor, Israel Media Watch is a very effective organization.
The Dubious Successes of Israel's Media Watch|Elisheva Goldberg|September 11, 2013|DAILY BEAST
We know that just in proportion to the loss of this substance are our vigor and strength taken from us.
The American Reformed Cattle Doctor|George Dadd
In a thousand ways and without any loss of vigor the sense of American nationality was expressing itself.
The Path of Empire|Carl Russell Fish
She must not let herself be prisoned by a mere body that exulted blindly, basely, in its vigor.
Ewing\\'s Lady|Harry Leon Wilson
I never knew why Greens history thrilled me with the vigor of romance until I read his biography.
Optimism|Helen Keller
When I met him in 1860 he was quite well, and ascribed his health and vigor expressly to that habit.
The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes|Toms de Comyn