You must tell us of any relevant vested interests or conflicts.
How to pitch and write an opinion piece for MIT Technology Review|Amy Nordrum|October 15, 2020|MIT Technology Review
“In almost all cases,” Wales explains, “that’s likely to be state and local election officials, who are the professionals who run these elections and who have a vested interest in making sure votes are counted correctly.”
Election result delays mean “the system is working,” says cybersecurity chief|Bobbie Johnson|October 11, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Surely, for anyone with a vested interest in science, reason, and the idea of secular politics, this is deeply depressing news.
Extreme Weather? Blame the End Times|Jay Michaelson|November 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Sure, Hooters may have a vested financial interests in breasts—or rather, a very specific type of breast.
The Misogynistic Companies Jumping On The Breast Cancer Bandwagon|Emily Shire|October 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Likewise, local pro-China Hongkongers with vested economic interests could have taken part.
Hong Kong’s Triads Attack Protestors|Ben Leung|October 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“[Patients] have a vested interest in seeing the product developed,” he says.
How Big Pharma Holds Back in the War on Cancer|ProPublica|April 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
State governments have vested interests in wanting it this way.
Disunited and Without States|James Poulos|January 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
You have no vested rights paramount to the rights of the commonwealth.
The Arena|Various
In some countries, indeed, this power is vested in the Executive.
Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856, Vol. II (of 16)|Thomas Hart Benton
The supreme government is vested in the king, whose power seems to be completely absolute.
A Voyage Round the World, from 1806 to 1812|Archibald Campbell
Then the supreme power was vested in Emperors, of whom there were fifty-five.
Olive Leaves|Lydia Howard Sigourney
The tax-exempt organizations have a vested interest in the oppressive, inequitable, and wasteful federal-income-tax system.
The Invisible Government|Dan Smoot
British Dictionary definitions for vested
/ (ˈvɛstɪd) /
property lawhaving a present right to the immediate or future possession and enjoyment of propertyCompare contingent